The Good The Bad And The Beautiful

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Mayella's P.O.V.

"Excuse me Miss?" I looked down the bar and smiled, no teeth, and made my eyes a little more mystical by making them look sleepy with a little sexy trick modelling taught me. His eyes widened and I chucked a bit, works everytime.

"Yes?" I said in an alluring tone.

"It's looks like you need a drink is all." He says as he makes his way closer.
"Martini?" He asks me.

"You think I want a prissy drink?" Before he could answer I cut him off.
"Whiskey on the rocks" I say raising my hand slightly to the bartender but never taking my eyes of the hunk. He looked down while muttering

"Aren't you something else?" He asked himself quietly I smiled for real.

"What do they call you, baby?" I asked seductively, teasing him.

"James. March." He adds on with one hell of an accent.
"What about you darling?" He asks.

"Mayella. Moore." I said, mimicking him. He smiled at me and I returned it.
After 3 drinks and a kiss on the cheek I headed to my room. I got a call on the telephone and picked it up.

"Miss Mayella, it's your agent, you have a shoot next week and we couldn't help but notice you gaining a bit of weight I advise you to eat less and throw up more, and get plenty of sleep, it burns fat." She finished with a thank you and hung up. I cried. I hated this gig. I hate everything about it! I went into the bathroom and took the blade out of my eyeliner pencil sharpener. I put it to my wrist and cut. One. Two. Three. There was blood everywhere. I must have been crying loud because I heard someone banging on the door.

"Go away!!!" I yelled.

"Mayella open the door!!" I heard his accent it was James.

"No!" I said he was banging ferociously and the world went black right before the door went down and he grabbed me and lifted me to his lap. The last thing I saw was his baby brown eyes.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now