Trapped In My Own Trap

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James POV

I woke up to darkness I was still in the hallway. Oh how I wanted to wake up in my bed and know that this was all just some twisted nightmare. But it was real. May wasn't next to me. She was gone and I was trapped. In my own freaking trap! I sat there wishing I could see her one more time to tell her I didn't leave her hanging and I love her. I just want to touch her. I just want to kiss her. I began to sob. I need her. I want here here right now I want to hold her.

Mayella POV

I finished the song I wrote and he slowly applauded. I fake smiled. He noticed.

"You okay darling?" He asked. I cringed at the word darling. James called me darling.

"James left me." I said before falling apart. Donovan walked towards me and hugged me tight.

"Shh, it's ok he didn't deserve you." Donovan said. I backed up from his hug and shook my head.

"I'm sorry I just can't right now." I said.

"It's ok baby, well I'll set you up because your singing that song tonight." He said and I smiled again. I nodded.

"Ok go find something nice to wear tonight and fix yourself up nice ok?" He said. I nodded.

"Ok." I said.

"And be happy, your gonna debut tonight!" He said grabbing my hands I took them back, he was getting awfully touchy. I walked back to my room. I scavenged my closet for something nice to wear. I found a long black dress. With silver sparkles on the waistbelt. I grabbed black heels and headed to the bathroom. I changed and looked in the mirror. I looked tragically perfect. I fixed my hair up in curls and put on beautiful dramatic makeup. It took about an hour. I Rehearsed the rest of the time I had. Donovan walked in and his jaw dropped.

"You look gorgeous as ever." He said. I nodded in thanks and he took my hand walking to the lobby. We made our way to the theatre and I went backstage. I wasn't nervous I was confident. I was ready to shine like I did before this stupid mess. I heard Donovan introduce me. I took a deep breath and walked out the stage where the people applauded my beauty. I grabbed the mic and took another deep breath.

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