Asking Her

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Mayella's POV

I was just about ready when there was a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's Thomas Miss Mayella, I'm your driver for this evening, James sent me to escort you to the restaurant you'll be attending." He said. I finished with the little dab of mascara I had to put on.

"I'm coming." I said as I walked to the door and slowly opened it, seeing that it was in fact Thomas. I smiled warmly. He returned the smile.

"You look lovely as ever Miss Mayella. James will have his breathe taken away." He said.

"Why thank you Thomas." I said as he and I linked arms and he took me downstairs. As soon as we got outside I saw a limo pulled up the the hotel. I squealed in delight as Thomas opened the door and I got inside. I saw a bottle of whiskey and a bucket of ice with a note next to it.


     I know you don't want a prissy drink just like you said on the first night we met, I've brought you your signature whiskey on the rocks, don't drink to much though. I want this night to be memorable for you, just as I know it will be for me.

                         All my Love,

I smiled like a little girl and poured a little glass, adding a few blocks of ice. I added a little coca cola and sipped out of the cup. I looked down at what I was wearing. A long maroon dress and some black high heels that made me only a little bit shorter than James. See usually I am just tall enough to put my head right underneath his. I had a bit more of a dramatic make up look and my bleach hair was curled as it always is. A black rose pinned neatly on the side of my head, pulling back some curls, showing my diamond earrings that I bought. The car came to a stop in a matter of 15 minutes.  I felt the butterflies rise up in my tummy. I wanted to see his reaction of how I looks but, what if I didn't look good enough? Nothing is too good for James, so what makes me different? What if he sees a nicer looking girl, one that's alive? I was cut off by the door opening. Here we go.

James POV

She was beauty. There is no other way to describe her. She took my breath away as soon as she got out of that car. Everything was going good for us finally. And we were happy.

"Your are stunning darling, simply breath taking." I said. Her cheeks shown a deep red and I smiled at her and she did the same to me. She took my hand and I led her inside. We sat down at a table as the band played. We are and talked about the people around us.

"She's pretty." May said.

"She'd look prettier hanging upside down with her throat slit." I said. Mayella turned her head.

"Yeah your right."

"Hey Mayella?" I said. I had to ask her now or I was going to burst.

"Yeah?" She said looking at me with eyes full of concern. I got up then got back down on one knee. Her hand went to her mouth as she shook her head, the tears were coming.

"Mayella LeAnne Moore, you are my light. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. And I may be dead, but when I am with you, I swear I haven't felt more alive. Please do me the honor of making you happy for the rest of your life, and marry me?" I said. She cried and held her hand out while nodding her head in a quick frenzy.

"Yes." She squeaked and I slid the ring onto her finger. She was mine. Officially.

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