Let The Blood Pour Still

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Mayella's POV

I gasped for air as the black bag was lifted from my head. The room was dark, one light in the middle of me and the other chair in front of me. There was the shadow of another person. I tries to get up to see who it was, but I was bound to the chair. Another shadow formed behind the other chair, lifting a bag off the other person'a head and quickly disappearing.

"James?" I called.

"Mayella?" He asked back.

"What's? What's going on?" I asked.

"I have no clue Elizabeth drugged me." I quivered at the mention of her name.

"Donovan drugged me." I said. Even though I could barely see the shadows castes in his face, anger swelled in his eyes he opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Glad to see the love birds awake." Elizabeth cooed from behind me.

"Get away from her." James muttered.

"Oh shut up James, you're not the only one who can love a girl like her." Donovan said from behind him.

"I told you I'll have you end James." Elizabeth said. I felt a pang in the side of my head and then I heard yelling.

"You crazy bitch, she's a ghost!! She can't die!!" James yelled. She took the piece of wood with the nail in it out of my head. Holy shit.


"But I can hurt her until you take me back." She said. James continued screaming at her as my head continued to bleed from the little hole.

"Leave her alone!!" He screamed. "Get over it Elizabeth, you've got him now!!" He yelled about Donovan. She walked over to him and kissed him. He tried to pull away, but she pushed on. That hurt worse than the wood.

"What will it take?" She said.

"I can't feel anything." I smirked as the hole healed. She walked over to me and ripped my fingernail off. I screamed. James yelled.  She laughed. She flicked her sharp nail off and stabbed me in the side. I yelped. She pulled it out and I spit blood out of my mouth.

"Still can barely feel anything." I lied.

"Yes you can." She smirked back as Donovan walked to me. He kissed me. James yelled. I tried to pull away, I was restrained. I heard breaking. Donovan pulled away. He slipped the bag back over my face. I heard pounding and screaming from both ends. It stopped abruptly and the bag was snatched my face. James grabbed my face by both cheeks.

"May? May are you ok?" He asked. I nodded my head and he untied me. I caught a glimpse of Donovan's dead body laying on the floor.

"James you?" He cut me off.

"He deserved it." He said.

"But he'll end up staying here. Forever." I said.

"He won't bother you. I've got you." He said.

"Elizabeth??" I asked.

"She got away." He said. He coughed a bit.

"We'll get her back for this." He said.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now