I Never Meant It

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Mayella POV

"What it is Ms. Evers."

"She uh.. Well she.... See I...." She trailed and thought about her words.

"Spit it out." James nudged her.

"Alright! Alright I did it!" She yelled and exhaled as if a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. "I am the reason you're dead." James sat it his seat. Gripping the ends of the table.

"What? Why?" I asked. She looked to me and squinted her eyes.

"Because I love him. I love you." She said, turning to him. "I did it for us. So we could be together. Forever. I thought we were partners." She said. James threw a cuz full of wine on the floor. He stood up and slowly walked to her.

"Get out." He said.

"What? Mr. March please I never meant it." She said.

"Bullshit. Yes you did." I chimed in (with a haven't you people ever heard of, closing a goddamn door? No) she looked to me.

"We don't need your two cents." She said.

"Do not speak so her that way! You are banished from my presence!" James yelled. She looked like she was going to cry. Then smiled.

"I'm free." She said, though tears were gleaming through her water line. She walked out, leaving the red stain of wine on the floor. James went to the bedroom. I grabbed a bit of food and put it on the platter, taking it to him. He was in the bathroom, screaming in rage. I took a minute to make myself look sexy. He came out, beet red.

"Hungry?" I smiled.

"Not for the food." He said. He practically ran to me and smacked the plaster across the room. Attacking me with his lips. And we were off for round two.

**next morning**

The food was still on the floor, the wine stain was probably still present in the dining room.

"James?" I whispered. He didn't stir.

"Mr. March?" I cooed in a sing-song voice. He opened his eyes slowly while he smiled a bit.

"Yes, Mrs. March?" He said and I smiled too.

"We need to clean up." I said. He groaned. "I know." I groaned as well.

We got up as bad as we resisted it, and cleaned. The wine stain however, would never leave because we didn't know how to get it out. After we were done we went to the diner in the lobby. And guess who was there.

"Donovan, you son of a bitch!!" James yelled. Don looked up from his scrambled eggs. He smirked at me. I puked in my mouth a little bit.

"James, what can I do for y-" he was cut off by James punching him in the side of his jaw, breaking it. His jawline will never be the same.

"Is that all you got?" He asked, wiping the blood off his busted lip.

"I killed people for a living." James said.

"You're a monster." He chuckled.

"Coming from a vampire." James said. Don looked at me and smiled.

"Mayella baby, what are you up to?" He said. I walked up to him in a rage. I showed him my left hand.

"Just got hitched." I said through gritted teeth before punching him with my ring finger, leavin a flower dent of his cheek. He toppled over and we walked to the food counter.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now