Let's Be Psychos Together

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James POV

"Baby I'm bored." She said.

"Checkers?" I asked. She shook her head.


"Chess." She groaned this time.

"Really boring." She said.

"Sex?" I asked. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"We already did that today James." She rolled her eyes.

"We could ask Sally for some stuff." I said.

"Like drugs?" She asked.

"No darling, I was going to ask for puppies." I said.

"Since when did you use sarcasm?" She said.

"Since you a started asking stupid questions." I said.

"What's gotten into you?!" She yelled. "All you ever want now a days is sex and alcohol! Now you're moving on to drugs!?" She yelled.

"Mayella I'm bored!" I said. "Bored of this hotel, the people. Nothing exciting happens anymore because no one stays here!"I yelled.

"Maybe it's because people are smart enough to not stay at a murderer infested hotel!!!" She screamed.

"Don't you pin that on me May, it's your fault too!" I screamed.

"Yeah so!?" She yelled.

"Get out! I'm not in the mood for this right now!!" I yelled.

"You get out!" She screamed.

"It's my hotel!!" I yelled.

"Last time I checked, WHATS MINE IS YOURS, GET OUT!!" She held her left hand out shoving her ring in my face.

"Stop being so irrational, dear." I tried to calm her down.

"Dear!? Really!?" She asked. "How stupid!!" She yelled in spite and anger.

"I am dead dear, not stupid!" I yelled. I stormed out of the room and she sat down, basically fell on to the couch. I walked into the hallway.

"That's the fifth fight you guys have had." She said.

"Go away Elizabeth." I told her.

"I was just coming by to make a noise complaint." She said. "I can still get rid of her you know, the offer is on the table." She said.

"We're married Elizabeth, now fuck off." I told her.

"Ah ah ah, see that's the thing, we never divorced. You sort of just.... Died." She said.

"Elizabeth, I hate you and I love Mayella, get that through your thick, yet empty skull." I said. She laughed.

"Whatever, you know I'm waiting." She said.

"It's gonna be a while Elizabeth!" I yelled down the hall she was waking in.

"I'll wait forever if I have to!" She said.

"Yeah sure, you'll wait until you find another boy toy!" I yelled. I walked back into the room. She wasn't on the couch were I left her. The bathroom door was locked and I heard crying.

"Mayella?" I asked.

"Go away!" She sobbed. I burst the door and saw her on the bathroom floor, bleeding from her wrists.

" I can't feel anything." She cried.

"Oh darling. You still feel something." I said.

"Like what?" She cried. I picked her up of the floor, embracing her.

"Like love." I said.

"For you?" She asked. Like a child would.

"For me." I assured her.

"I'm sorry I yelled." She said.

"I'm sorry I yelled too." I said.

"I am a fucking psycho." She said.

"That's ok Elle, let's be psychos together."

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now