The Truth Comes Out... And Not The One You Think

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James P.O.V.

She walked into my room with a god awful look on her face, targeted towards me.

"What do you want Elizabeth?" I asked.

"It needs to be done by Sunday, got it?" She said.

"Get what?" I ask.

"Kill the girl, Marla or whatever." She said.

"It's Mayella, and no, I-I love her." I said. She laughed. Cackled more like.

"I knew this was gonna happen, what are you going to James? If she doesn't die and you have watch her grow old and die, you wouldn't last till she was 40 because her looks would wither away and that's all you love her for. Unless the psycho killer thing is attractive to you." She said.

"No, she knows she says she'll tell me when she is ready to die and she wants me to be there, she wants me to be there to tell her everything is gonna be fine and I'm gonna be there when she becomes a ghost." I explain.

"What a dumb idea, Jimmy, I know it seems like right now she's perfect for you, but she has to die, as long as she is alive she can turn me in." She said.

"No she would never do that she loves it here." I assure her.

"Do it by Sunday or I will do it." She says and storms off.


Mayella POV

"James?" I called as I walked in our room. There was no answer "James?" I called again. Still silence. I got worried. I felt a hand go over my mouth and push me against a wall. I was kicking when I realized it was James, he was laughing.

"You jerk, you scared me!" I yelled but was cut off by his kiss.  I sunk into the kiss deeper and deeper with every passing minute. I broke away from it.

"James you're worried I can sense it, you are usually gentle, your only rough when your nervous, what's wrong?" I asked. His head fell. He sighed and wiped his eyes. He was about to cry.

"We need to do it soon." He said quietly.

"Do what, what is it James?" I asked I started to panic a little bit.

"You have to die soon, let Sunday to be exact." He said. My head fell. I'm not ready yet. I don't want to die.

"Does it hurt?" I ask.

"Depends on what you want to do." He replies.

"What's the most pain less?" I ask.

"Probably a shot to the head, but you'd come back with a messed up head." He said.

"What would preserve my looks and be the most painless?" I asked.

"Poison?" He suggested. I just nodded. "I can put it in a milkshake, I know that's your favourite thing to drink. And I will hold your hand and be there the whole time. It will be romantic and I could put rose petals on the floor, maybe light come candles?" He suggested more. I stayed silent. "It'll be perfect." He said.

"Okay." I said he lifted my chin with his soft hand. He gave me a soft kiss.

"I love you, James." I said crying. He wiped my tears and smiled sweetly to assure me everything was gonna be ok.

"Mayella, you have no idea how much I love you too." He said.

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