He Let Go

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James P.O.V.

I went down the hallway to her room. I heard a hysterical crying when I entered her room. I went to open her bathroom door, but it was locked. I began to bang on the door, I had a horrible feeling.

"Go away!!!" She screamed between sobs.

"Mayella! Open the door!" I yelled. She wasn't supposed to kill herself, that's my job!

"No!" She screamed. The door finally go off the hinges and in a nick of time too because she was falling unconscious. I lifted her head to my lap and grabbed her wrist putting pressure on it. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around it. She closed her eyes and I picked her up. I went up to my room and laid her on the couch.

"No, I forbid you to die like this." I said. And poured alcohol on her cuts before grabbing Elizabeth's old sewing kit, I stitched her back up as best I could and wrapped her wrist in gauze. I sat on the chair across from her and watched her, her chest was lifting up and down slightly, good, she's not dead. Isn't it funny how I saved Elizabeth from dying? And now the same for Mayella. However this time is different, I am dead. And I will not marry Mayella, I made that mistake once, I shall not make it again. Her eyes started to flutter open. She stretched out before whimpering and sitting up.

"Mayella?" I called to her quietly she turned her head from her knees and looked at me desperately.

"James, I'm so sorry you have to see me like that, it's just this job, this damn job!" She yelled. She said damn, and might I say it was attractive when she did. Elizabeth had always gotten mad at me if I said as much as darn.

"It's quite alright dear, I'm relived you are alright." I said and gave her a reassuring smile and went to sit on the couch with her.

"I just want to die." She says. I can arrange that...

"Don't say that darling." I say.

"It's true I just want to be me and not have to get punished for it." She said. She turned to me and dug her head into my neck I wrapped my arms around her and tooling her strawberry scent. Her bleach hair was a sexy mess. What can I say? I got a thing for blondes.

"Don't let me go James, let me stay just for tonight." She says.

"I won't let you go, you have my word." I say. I realise I just let Elizabeth go. I let her go to open my arms to someone else and it's about time it has been 20 years sense I have even felt this way. Her head was still in my neck. She started to kiss it.

"Oh, is that what you want?" I said a bit of growl in my voice.

"Why Mr. March, are you declining my offer?" She said teasing me and bit a little spot of skin on my neck. I unzipped her dress. She unbuttoned my shirt and we were off.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now