Pancakes and Pickles

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Mayella's P.O.V.

"Thank you Jessie." James says to the waitress. He was having a plate of three little pancakes. I giggled to myself. He was so adorable. He scarfed them down in a matter of seconds. He was so proper all the time it was really funny to see him eat like that.

"Well I guess you're hungry there, tiger?" I laughed as I said.

"Not all for pancakes my dear." He winked. I giggled. I heard someone walk behind us and touch my hair, she rounded me and say down next to James.

"Hello,  Jimmy." She says, looking at me.

"Hello Elizabeth." He says looking at me too.

"Why is everyone staring at me?" I asked.

"I wanted to see Jimmy's new friend." She said, putting emphasis on the friend. I gave her a look, a mean look. She never took her eyes off me.

"We'll you saw her, can you please leave now?" He asks her.

"No, James, does she know about us?" She says I put my hand to my mouth. Us! Us!?? I was just about to cry.

"There is no us, Elizabeth." He said.

"Oh yes, not anymore, see we divorced." She says. He was married!!!!???? I thought.

"Mayella, let's get out of here." He says.

"Ok, James." I say, standing up. Elizabeth never took her eyes off me, it looked like she hated me. It looked like she was plotting or something.

James P.O.V.

"Ok, James." Mayella says. I knew what Elizabeth was doing. Trying to make her vulnerable and weak. Just so she can strike. She is jealous. Even though I know she is with another guy already! She was the one who turned me in! She got me to kill myself! I gave her everything and she throws it back in my face. I hate her. She thinks I am not aloud to be happy.

"Hey sugar?" Mayella brings me back to the world. My fists release from the fists I didn't know they were in.
"What's the matter baby?" She asked.

"It's practically nothing my dear, it is just that Elizabeth ruined my life."I said.

"How?" She asked

"I built this hotel, saved her life, married her, shared my secrets for which she accepted me, then shot me down." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry." She says looking down on the floor. I took my hand and lifted her chin up she looked deep into my eyes we both had honey-brown eyes. She was so beautiful. You like her! I ignored the voice I just kissed her. Her hands reached up and ruffled through my hair my arms snaked across her waist and we just stood there, kissing. I'm the middle of a hallway in the hotel I built. There were sparks. More passion then I'd ever had with Elizabeth. Mayella was the epitome of beauty and I was stuck. Stuck in a pickle. I didn't want to kill her. That would break me. I know it would. Because I like her. A lot.

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