She Beat Him To It

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Mayella POV

"Elizabeth please you don't know what you're doing!!" I yelled, pleaded.

"I'm sure that's what your victims say too, tell me Mayella, do you listen to them?" She said as I looked down. I quickly smacked the knife out of her hand, cutting myself. While she went to grab it I bolted to the nearest corner and ran around the hallways like a crazy person. Once I thought I lost her I hid in room in that space between the bed and the wall. I breathed quietly as I heard footsteps go by.

"Mayella?" I heard James call. Now was my chance. My leg was still bleeding badly. I stood up as best I could and limped to who I thought was him. I saw her calling my name around the corner she wasn't facing me. I limped to her and jumped on her back. We tussled and fell to the ground. She flipped me over so I was on the bottom and licked my face.

"You're gonna taste amazing." She muttered. I screamed and she lunged the knife at my face I swiftly turned my neck to dodge the knife, I succeeded. I flipped us over again I got off of her and began to try to run away again. I felt something hit the back of my head and I fell to the ground. I was bleeding my head was throbbing and I was army crawling when she grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to her. She towered over me and I just laid there. Unable to fight anymore. I accepted death. I saw hands come from behind her and throw her to the ground. Once she was out of the way I saw James.

"James!" I screamed. He picked me up bridal style.

"Put me down!" I yelled at him. He did.

"We got to go May!" He yelled.

"No I want to kill this bitch and I intend to!" I turned back to where she was. I punched her. She turned to face away from me.

"No, you want to kill me!? Then do it!" I said. I shouldn't have said that. She turned around and stabbed me right in my stomach. I twitched as I felt the knife burning my insides. I stood there wide eyed. My mouth was open. She ripped the knife out as I whimpered and fell to the ground. Blackness started to fill in. I felt James pull me into his lap. He looked at me with his sweet eyes, they were puffy and filled with tears. I nodded.

"Everything's gonna be okay. I've got you Mayella. I'm never gonna let you go." He ran his fingers through my hair.

"It-it hurts James." I said. Tears falling out of my eyes. He put pressure on my wound he had both his hands on my stomach.

"I know darling I'm here I'm gonna be here when you come back." He said.

"What if I don't come back James?" I asked. Fearing what would happen after I die.

"You will, I know it." He said my vision was blurry. James I'm scared I can't see you.

"It's okay I'm right here." I cried and fell into death.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you too." He replied. I sunk into the feeling of death. It was black. Everywhere. I couldn't see anything. I was dead. I was alone. I was missing James.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now