A Honeymoon To Remember

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**Warning: Close your bible, it's about to get smutty!

Mayella POV

James practically threw me on the bed as he took his shirt off. I tugged on his belt lightly. He went to take my dress off but it was stuck. I laughed.

"You have to unzip it, silly." I told him. He did so. I pushed him off me and he looked at me concerned. I got off the bed and slowly took my dress off. He was laying on the bed, watching me. I continued to take my bra and panties off. I crawled onto the bed, sexily as I could. I kissed him passionately and went down his jaw...neck...pecks...abs, well outline of his abs...and then, you know. He growled as I pulled his underwear down. I wrapped my hand around it and slowly moved it up and down. He moaned in anticipation. I picked up the pace. He started breathing faster, he was close. I pulled my hand away and he groaned in protest.

"I hate when you do that." He said.

"I wanna be the one to take you over the edge." I told him. He sat up and pulled me underneath him in a fury. He held both my hands against the bed, slightly above my head.

"My turn." He whispered in my ear and ducked his head a teeny bit lower to kiss the little put between my jaw and my neck. I moan and I feel him smile against my collar bone. He starts to suck on my sweet spot, causing me to open my eyes in shock.

"James, do something." I breathed. I felt his fingers and gasped. He continued and I was getting close. He pulled his hand away and smirked mischievously.

"I hate you." I whispered.

"But do you?" He said as he climbed on top of me and entered slowly. I shook my head and looked in his eyes.

"No, I could never." I said. And with that he moved in a slow and sensual sequence. We kissed.

"Make me scream James." I said. He picked up the pace and I moaned with every bang against the headboard.

"Choke me." I told him. His eyes lit up with lust as he wrapped his fingers around my throat. I was so close, he was too. I flipped us over and wrapped my fingers around his throat. We both reached our points and I fell on too of him, limp.

"Darling, you are a revelation." He growled. I huffed a laugh and we fell asleep.

***later that night***

"Mayella?" A voice whispered. I opened my eyes to see Ms. Evers.

"Yea?" I replied.

"James wants you for a surprise dinner." She said. I got out of bed and put my clothes on in a flash. I walked into the dining room and James pulled out a chair for me.

"Oh James, you shouldn't have." I said as I looked at the buffet of delicious food.

"I didn't cook it, thank Ms. Evers." He smiled. I looked at her, she looked sad.

"Thank you Ms. Evers." I said and gave her a reassuring smile. She gave me a fake one. James sat across from me and lifted his glass.

"To us." He said.

"To us." I replied. He smiled and we dug in. We reminisced about the past. We laughed. That is until we got on to the subject of Elizabeth.

"I can't believe she killed me." James said.

"Well, I'm not even so sure that she did, I mean if she wanted you dead, I'm sure she could have done it herself." I said. He pondered. Ms. Evers coughed.

"I have something I'd like to say." She said.

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