Back And Better Than Ever

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James POV

I sat there looking at her.her chest didn't go up and down,  she was still dead. I just sat there. Watching, waiting. I took another puff off my cigarette. Never taking my eyes off the couch. A tear crawled out of my eye. I wiped it away. Come on May, come back to me. Don't you leave me. Don't you dare leave me. I slowly got up quietly. Even though she wasn't sleeping I'd like to think she was. She would wake up any minute. I turned to walk out of the safe. I heard a loud gasp. She popped up from under the blanket. I ran to her. She laid back down. I lifed the blanket from her and looked at her. Her chest was dancing with life. She was breathing.

"Mayella?" I quietly called her. She fluttered her eyes open.

"James?" She asked turning her head to see me. Oh how I missed her baby brown eyes. She smelt like strawberries. Her bleach blonde was a sexy mess. She sat up. Well her ghost did. Her body still laid there.

"James what are we gonna do with... Me?" She asked.

"We can't leave so we have to push you down the chute." She looked at me.

"You mean. No burial?" She asked.

"I'm afraid not dear." I said. She nodded.

"Ok. I'm fine with it as long as I'm here with you now." She smiled. She looked down at herself. She hand a scar on her hand. She felt it.

"It's jagged. It's ugly." She cried.

"No it isn't darling, look at mine, mine's the ugly one here." She pulled her shirt up.

"I can't see it, is it bad James?" She asked. She couldn't see it because her sunken ribs were in the way. I had no idea she was this skinny. She looked starving.

"It's a beautiful scar darling and the one on your leg." I said. She smiled. Now that I'd seem her ribs I carefully examined her. Her ribs were sunk in and her collarbone was visible.

"May, we need to go eat something right now." I said. She opened her mouth to say something.

"I can't I'm not that hungry." She said looking down.

"Bullshit." I said. "You look like you could die again. Of starvation." I continued.

"I have to stay thin for modelling James." She said.

"Your dead. You don't have to model anymore." He said. She looked at me.

"I have to stay thin for you. I need to be prettier than Elizabeth." She said with tears in her eyes.

"No you are too thin, you need some meat on your bones. And Elizabeth with never be prettier than you. You're my one and only." I assured her.

"Ok well I'm not getting fat if that's what your asking." She said.

"I'm not I just want you to be healthy." I said. She smiled.

"Pancakes?" She suggested. I laughed.

"Of course darling. What else?" I asked. She smiled.

"A milkshake." She kissed me on my cheek and we went downstairs to the diner.

He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now