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James POV

She sat and I handed her the apple. She not into it forcefully as if you say "no way, you're not gonna get thrown up!" I laughed a bit and she looked up at me with her childish eyes. I wiped the bit of apple juice off the corner of her mouth with my thumb. I then put my thumb into my mouth, tasting the delicious fruit that somehow didn't taste as good as her lips. She giggled and I winked.

"Go ahead darling, tell me everything about you." She sighed and took a bite out of her apple.

"There's not much to know." She simply stated.

"Of course there is just start with the basics." I replied.

"Ok, my full name is Mayella LeAnne Moore, I am 22, a model, an actress, I love to collage pictures out of magazines. My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite color is black, even though black is not a color it's a value." She stopped and I motioned for her to keep going.

"I don't know what else to say." She laughed.

"Where are you from!?" I chuckled.

"I'm from a little town in Oregon called New Hollow. It's just a shitty little old hole in the wall place but it's home so." She finished. "Well now this is home I guess."

"Yes it is and we will spend the rest of eternity here, just you and me. My princess." I told her.

"Princess...hmmm I like it." She said and smiled brightly.

"Oh when was your first?" I asked.

"Time?" She replied.

"No kill." I said.

"Oh I was 15 and my dad had left years before leaving me with my mom and big brother, Adam. And one night all the sudden Adam comes into my room and starts...t-touching me. He called me his beautiful baby girl and that I pleased him. It went on for about a year. We never had real sex but it hurt. One day he tried to take it one step further. I took a butcher knife and dug it into the side of his head. Even though he was dead if never felt more alive." She finished with a smile. Oh my god. She is like damaged.

"Wait, what about your mom?" I asked.

"She walked in and I did the same to her." She said. She shrugged. "It is what it is, my dad took me in once he found out." She finished.

"Wait aren't you, damaged from what from what happened with your brother?" I asked. She stayed still, staring at the ceiling because we were laying down.

"Shit, did I hurt you, do I hurt you when we..." I asked. She shook her head. Her eyes glazed over with tears. She sat up and so did I. I held her and told her we could stop if she wanted to.

"No I want you in every way possible I love it when you do things to me. I love you." She said and smiled. She composed herself.

"Ok. I love you too baby." I whispered into her ear. I kissed her behind it. And trailed down her jawline. She rolled her neck back I'm pleasure and I continued down her neck. She grabbed my cheeks and brought me to her mouth I kissed her. We started loosing clothes and we were off.

Dear Diary, 

     I'm gonna get revenge, I know I can't kill a ghost but I can get her to break up with him or I can break her. I can break her to the point of no return. I might need help with that though...


He Made Me Stay// James March FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now