chapter 13: liking the same girl

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Zayn's POV

Damnit where the hell is Niall! He said that he was going to get a bag of crisps. It's been 30 minutes and he's still not back.

I still can't get that girl out of my head. Other girls would leave Liam and run straight to me one I say hi sweetheart but not her. She actually stood up for him.

That's it I'm going to get Niall. It can't take this long to get a bag of crisps.

I walked into the studio food court to see Niall Starring at the feisty girl I can't stop thinking about.

"Just talk to her Niall. Don't be such a pussy."Niall said talking to himself.

I chuckled at my best friend's dorky attitude.

Wait this isn't funny, Niall and I like the same girl. And when me and Niall like the same girl all hell breaks loose in our friendship.

Niall sighed, ran a hand through his fluffy blonde dyed hair and started walking toward her.

Niall's POV

As I began walking over to her my nerves came back and hit me right in the gut.

What if she pushed me away like she did to Zayn?

He is hotter then me. But I'm way nicer and sweeter then him and I don't bully Liam.

Looks like she and Liam are best friend's and they just met!!

I just hope she excepts me like she excepted Liam.

Speaking of Liam I wonder where he went. He just left her here by herself to wait for him to get back.

"H-hi I-Im N-Niall."I said. Damn my stuttering. She smiled at me and said "hi I'm Samantha but people call me Sam or sammi."

I could here her adorable British accent escape her mouth. I hope I can win her over with my Irish charm.

When Liam got back he sent Sam a genuine smile which she sent right back.

"Hey Liam have you met Niall?"Sam asked not knowing about what happened between us a few months ago.

Once Liam saw me his smile dropped and his face turned cold. "Yeah. He's Zayn's best friend."he said smirking at me. He knows I'm nothing like Zayn.

Sam looked at me sadly. "I'm nothing like him though. He can be the most amazing person once you get to know him." I covered for Zayn.

It's true though. Me and Zayn are complete opposites when it comes to people. Zayn blocks people out and keeps to himself while I need people in my life. I never shut people out. Ever.

But when he does let people in he is the best person you could ever meet.

Sam looked at me closely before sending me a smile of relief.

"Maybe you should tell that to your ex girlfriend. The girl you stole from me. How much you wanna bet you don't even remember her name."Liam spat at me, his voice full of venom.

"Her name was arianna and she left me."I said with the same amount of venom.

Sam just stood there between us.The only thing holding us back from hitting each other.

Nope I can't hold it in anymore. I pushed Sam out the way and punched Liam.

This is the first time I've ever hit him since arianna chose me over him but he hit me first.

Sam fell on the ground and watched in horror as we began to hit each other.

Zayn, Louis, and the new guy ran out to see what was going on.

When new guy and Louis saw Sam on the floor scared as hell they ran over to her. New guy hugged her and made sure that she couldn't see the fight anymore.

Did we look that bad?

Zayn pulled us apart and the US on opposite sides of the studio. "Do you arseholes not see her crying and scared shitless ?!?!?"Zayn and Louis yelled in unison.

New guy still held Sam in his arms hugging her and shushing her. We all looked at Sam and how it effected her.

"You arsehole! Her parents died in a car accident arguing over the phone with her!!!!!"New kid yelled hugging her a little tighter but not to tight.

Guilt washed over me as I hung my head. I can't do anything right with this girl can I.



Oooooh drama bomb! Lol I watch to much adventure time. So what do you think? Who should Sam be with?

Leave your opinion in the comments😸😸😸

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