Chapter 14: flashbacks

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Samantha's POV

Once Niall punched Liam I had a flashback of January 27th 2009 the day that changed my life forever.


"Mum There are going to be boys at my party rather you like it or not"I said my stuborness shining through.

"Ha we'll see about that" my dad said, just as stubborn a me.

"What's the big deal?!? Harry gets to have girls at his party but I can't have guys?" I asked get more pissed by the second.

"Because he's old enough to have girls at his party. You aren't." My dad answered.

"It's one year difference!!" I yelled into the phone.

But before my parents could answer me I hear a scream. I recognized the scream instantly, it belonged to my mum. Then I heard tires screeching, next I heard a crash finally I heard glass shattering.

"Mum?! Dad?!" I asked scared into the phone.

I heard sirens and an ambulance. "MUM!!!!! DAD!!!!!!!! PLEASE BE OKAY!!!!! Please be okay." I yelled then I whispered into the phone.

Suddenly I heard someone say" is this Samantha styles? The daughter of Ann and Des styles?"

I answered immediately with a slow yes.

"I'm sorry to tell you that both of your parents have been killed in a car accident." The man said.

"Th-thank you" I said as I hung

up .

Harry slammed the door and called out" Mum, dad, Sam I'm home"

I just began to sob harder. He doesn't know. He's so innocent to this.

Harry knocks on my door and once he hears me sobbing he opens the door.

"Sam what's wrong" harry asked but before I could answer his phone rang.

"Yes I'm harry. What?!?! Ok th-thank you" harry said before he hung up.

Harry looked at me, as I cried my eyes out. Suddenly harry began to sing to me.

He began to sing my favorite song isn't she lovely by Stevie wonder, while holding me in his arms and hugging my tightly but not to tight.

Tears were streaming down both of our faces but we didn't give a damn. We're both in pain and we both need each other for support.

Flashback ends

Harry began to shush me and hold be tightly. This is all I need right now.

I don't need no therapist or any of that bullcrap. All I need is this dorky, abusive brother.

Liam and Niall looked at me sadly as I hid my face in Harry's chest.

I hear him slightly singing isn't she lovely into my ear. I hug harry tighter as sobs rack through by body.

I don't care that people are watching me and probably judging me. Hell I don't care that harry has hit me before.

All I care about is the fact that my brother is here and he is holding me together even if I'm sure to fall apart wen he lets go.

"Take a nap love. You look knackerd." Harry said in my ear, while picking me up, slipping me into his car and driving me home.

I looked out the window to see Liam with a guilty face before I fell into a deep sleep.


A/N hey my butterflies! I dedicate this to Arianna because I love her and life wouldn't be as funny without her yelling in my face when I steal her food lol love you ari. ❤❤❤

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