Chapter 32: Zayn's Day

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Zayn's POV

Sammi basically dragged me out by the hand, me barely being able to keep my footing,

The paps saw how mad she was and didn't hesitate.

"Samantha! Samantha! what's wrong?"

"Samantha! Did you and Niall get Into an argument already?"

"Samantha! Samantha! Are you and Niall broken up?"

"Samantha! Is it true your dating Liam and Siall is just a beard?"

These people are to much like come on man give her a break! How did they even find out about the fake relationship so fast? We didn't even make it public yet!

Sam just ignored them and dragged me to my car. she took my keys from my pocket and got in the driver's seat.

"Haha very funny Sammi" I said as I opened the driver's side, pulled her out, put her over my shoulder, ran over to the passenger side, opened the door, and set her down.

Sammi pouted and stuck her tongue out at me.

I chuckled at the childish girl, started the car, and began driving.

"Where we going?" Sam asked poking my cheek.

"You'll see." I replied smirking.

    She groaned obviously annoyed with my answer.

    Few minutes later I'm driving into the parking lot. 

   "Here we are love." I said, smirking at her.

     I couldn't read her expression but I decided to ignore it and not let it ruin my time with her.

   To prove that i'm not dick and that i am gentleman i took Samantha to a place where it was not really fancy but not bad either. it was perfect to impress her but not have her uncomfortable because I remember haz telling me she never really enjoyed fancy places.

          Samantha's POV

      I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Zayn tell me with his weirdly cute Bradford accent that we were here.

     I looked at the Olive Garden. I have a weird feeling. I don't know what it is but I couldn't help but feel as if something was about to happen.

               Zayn had a cute smile on his face as he looked at me. Yeah I said cute, I know what you're thinking " I thought he was a dick what happened to that.

    Don't judge me, I can feel you judging me.

    I don't know if it's the way he talked to me in the car or how he's smiling at me right now but I can feel that he isn't the same guy that was messing with Liam.

   Zayn gets out and comes to open the door for me, Holding his hand out for me to step down.

    "What a gentleman" I joked, poking his cheek once again.

    "The best manners for the best girl" He responds winking at me, my cheeks turning a light pink

He pokes my pink cheek, me swatting his hands from my face .

   We walk into the restaurant and as soon as i step inside the amazing smell of the food makes my water.


To whoever still reads this book.

I know I know you hate me.

   im sorry guys I have sooo much going on it's not even funny. then I had a bad case of writers block ever. My friend journey is gonna be my co author. She'll write a chapter then I edit it. And for daddy's girl I'm gonna ask you guys if any of you wanna help me co write that one but if not ill ask my friends if they want to. So vote comment do what you habe to do guys.

    Goodbye my beautiful butterflies.

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