Chapter 22: special chapter :D

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HELLO SAMMI'S FANS!!!! Lol I am Sammi's BFFFL Sadie( a bigger friend to her then all ya peeps in west side) and I'm going to be writing this chapter. Sam is really sad and stressed and depressed and her writers block isn't helping so she asked me to go and write this chapter for her ^.^, ill try to write like Sam so please don't hesitate to tell me how I did *.* ok LET'S GET THIS STORY STARTED!!!!!!

Liam's POV

Once I finished telling her everything she missed she looked at me and burst out laughing.

I swear hearing he laugh is like hearing you'r favorite song or when you were five years old getting that toy you always wanted. It was perfect and unperfect at the same time which made it even more perfect. If that even makes sense.

"OMG that's hilarious Liam'' I smiled at her until someone cleared their throat.

I sent a glare to whoever the person was and realized exactly who it is. It's Niall and he looks really jealous but 'dude if you don't back off right now ill cut your balls off with a fork' kind of jealous.

"Hey Sam I'm nia-" "I know who you are dumb-nut you're Niall, zayn's Best friend and my food buddy" she cut Niall off with her adorable giggle. (If she is tired or really hyper and you tickle her she'll giggle like a cute 5 year old no lie)

'Liam what the hell are you thinking, you have Danielle dude!!!! Cut it out!!!!' My conscience spoke in the back of my head.

As much as I hate to admit it , he's right. I have Danielle and I can't do that to her no matter how much I like Sam.

"Hey Sam lets say we catch up over coffee from Starbucks, yeah?" Niall asked nervously as a light pink tinted his cheeks. Omg you could tell that he liked her.

Sam looked to me with a look that asked 'do you mind if I go?'. I nodded my head and slapped her bum when she walked away with Niall.

"Hey! That shall not be touched by anyone without my consent" Sam said playfully winking at me and laughing, I. Swear this girl is to cute.

Niall chuckled at Sam as she jamp on his back and shouted "onward to starbucks my Irish leprechaun from the lucky charms box! There you shall buy me an iced coffee and a large cookie with your money from the end of the rainbow" Which got alot of stares from all of the seniors.

Niall laughed at Sam's command and began running with Sam on his back. I chuckled, swallowed my giant load of jealousy, and began my way back but I regret coming back now.

"Where is she Liam?" Simon asked politely but you could tell how irritated he is. "Niall took her out for some Starbucks to calm her a bit,she was really freaked out." I hate to lie to them but I promised Sam I wouldn't tell.

"Text them to get back so we can talk about tour dates, the new songs, and who will be fake dating her." Simon said.

Hold up one of us will be able to date her or well fake date her?

I looked to the other boys who had the expression as me except Harry, pure excitement.

I pulled out my phone and texted them to get back here quick . Ok I feel bad that I enjoyed ruining their date, what the hell is with me now? I never do these kinds of things or feel these feelings as much as I do now, so what the hell? 'You're in love with her dumbarse, you have been in love with her since you met her and you only dated Danielle as a distraction and you know it!' A little voice in my head yelled at me.

Woah hold up a little voice in my head now I know I'm going completely crazy.

"Liam, Liam, LIAM" Simon yelled causing me to jump.

"Huh what?" I asked stupidly. "How are things with you and Danielle?" Simon asked. "Good, she's amazing in everyway." I said not even realizing Sam sitting across from me.


A/N well guys I hope I didn't disappoint ya! ^.^ this was hella fun to write so you might see me around here again writing a chapter lml. Now I need to go help Sam get over the lost of 2 of her idols. Cory and Tallia, it's a Shame they died :( well now they have their wings and can finally be at peace. Now to convince Sam that.

Ok peace out you mofos


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