Chapter 25: text messages and mandy

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Harry's POV

I walked into the Starbucks, inhaling the amazing coffee scent.

I strolled up to the counter, and looked up to see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Hi I'm Mandy, what can I get you?" She said, her American accent flowing, beautifully from her mouth.

"One hot chocolate and your number" I said, winking at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Ok one hot chocolate and my number is 555-fuck off." She said with a smirk.

I smirked at her and chuckled. I saw her phone sticking out of her pocket.

I looked around and saw the place was basically empty so I slid over the desk, grabbed her phone, put my number in, saved it on the sim card, and sent myself a text.

"What the hell?!?! I get that you're the 'Harry styles' and you're used to girls falling at your feet, but not everyone wants your number harry." Mandy scolded, rolling her eyes at me.

"Well a pretty girl like yourself makes me seem to forget that they exist." I flirted sending her another wink.

"Is there something wrong with your eye?" Mandy asked, her cheeks light pink.

"Your beauty" I simply answered. She chuckled and rolled her eyes at me.

"I'll see you around Mandy." I said, sending her a wink before walking toward the door.

"Harry" Mandy said, causing me to turn around quickly.

"You forgot your hot chocolate." She said putting the hot chocolate on the counter.

"Oh yeah" I said, my cheeks turning light pink as I went to grab the hot drink.

I read the name on the cup and it said 'dumbass'

I chuckled at the writing and walked out of the Starbucks.

At least something good came out of today

Samantha's POV

"Ok so that's all we needed to talk about." Simon concluded.

I swapped phones with the lads so they could put their own names/ring tones to their numbers, me doing the same.

We all walked out, me and Niall walked out hand and hand after we all got our phones back.

"Hey Sammi? I have to tell you something." Talli said uneasily.

"What is it talli?" I asked curiously, letting go of Niall's hand and walking over to him, letting the other lads walk out without me.

"I can't go on tour with you." Talli said. Well fuck.

"Are you serious talli??? I need you to though!!! I can't be on tour with them by myself." I complained.

"Sorry Sam. But we can Skype and oovoo." Talli explained trying to calm me down.

"UGGH! Fine-.-" I said pouting.

"Aww lighten up. They aren't that bad." Talli persuaded.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm gonna go catch up with my 'boyfriend'." I said putting air quotations next to the word boyfriend.

I walked out of the building, frown planted on my face.

I can't believe talli is leaving me to deal with my brother ALONE!!!! Ugh!!

Kill. Me. Now.🔫

Niall's POV

She chose me. Out of Zayn and me she chose me.

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