Chapter 6: stay home

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Samantha's POV

Once I got into class I wished I had told harry that we could stay home. Tommy and Jennifer are in this class.

When tommy saw me he ran over." Who hit you" he asked and he looked really pissed but really pissed. "Why do you care" I shot back. I pushed past him and sat down in my seat."cuz nobody hits my girl'" tommy said. "Who said I'm your girl?"I asked.

But before he could answer our teacher Mrs. Swanson walked in. "Take your seats" She said. Suddenly my phone vibrated. I got a text from tommy. Wait how the hell does he have my number?

*phone convo*

Tommy: I'm not like other guys. Just give me a chance to prove it.

Me: 1 how the hell do you have my number and 2 why should I?

Tommy: Harry gave it to me just in case you get lost and he loses his phone and because I wanna show you that I'm not like those other players/man-whores . Please just one date and ill leave you alone.

Me: Ugh fine one date but that's it.



I put my phone away and looked at tommy. He looks like he just won the lottery.

* the end of seventh period*

Once the final bell rang, I grabbed my stuff and walked to my locker. When I saw Harry I smiled at him but he didn't look to happy. He rushed over to my locker and banged his hand to the locker next to mine.

"Is it true?" Harry growled. "Is what true" I asked as I put my folder in my bag, and shut my locker. "Did you say you would go on a date with Tommy yes or no" Harry growled. Damn he is really pissed off about this. "Yeah so?" I said as I put the combination lock on my locker and looked up at him.

Harry looked like he was really to kill someone." That's the same arsehole that tried to rape you in the middle of the hallway" Harry yelled ask he put his arms on either side of me, trapping me in between his arms. Ok now he's scaring me.

"H-harry everyone was out of wack yesterday." I said. Damn my stuttering.

" I save you from that bastard and you go back to him?!?!" Harry yelled in my face. "You wanna know something Sam. All you are is a bother and a pain in the arse. You love to get yourself in trouble and put yourself in danger. Why out of all the girls I could've gotten I got the little trouble seeking bitch." Harry said as he got away from me and walked off.

I slip my back down on the lockers and say on the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into them. If someone else would've told me that it wouldn't have hurt. I would've told then to fuck off and leave me the hell alone but they came out of my own brother's mouth. But the saddest part is that I could here the truth in his voice. He ment every word he said no matter how many times he would try to deny it in the future I know he ment his words once they came out of his mouth.

"Hey what's wrong" I heard a familiar voice say. I look up and I see tommy looking at me worriedly. He pulled me up and into his warm embrace as I cried. "Shhhhhhhh" tommy said trying to calm me down.

Once I was calm enough I asked him " Am I a trouble seeking bitch?" Tommy looked at me as if I have three heads. "Of corse not. Who told you that?" Tommy asked. So I told him everything that happened.

Through out the whole story tommy never once interrupted me, all he did was listen and comfort me when I was about to cry. "Thank you for defending me. I didn't deserve it." Tommy said as he held me in his arms." Yes you did" I said as I looked up at him and brushed his brown hair out of his eyes.

Tommy helped me up and gave me his jumper. "You know your not as bad as everyone makes you out to be" I said as we left the school and got in his car. "Thanks." Tommy said sarcastically. I giggled at his sarcasm. I don't know why but I find sarcasm funny.

Tommy smiled at me taking off my mascara and eyeliner with a wipe. "You look better without it." He said as he rubbed his thumb over the bruise on my cheek softly.

I felt my face get hot so I pushed my head into Tommy's giant jumper so he couldn't see my face. But sadly he saw it and started laughing. "Oh shut it and start the car." I said, my cheeks growing even hotter. Tommy did as he was told and started the car.

"Ok ill see you at 8:00" I said as I closed the car door behind me. "Oh yeah your jacket" I said as I began to take it off." Na keep it. It looks better on you." Tommy said with a wink. I rolled my eyes playfully and put the jacket back on. "Goodbye tommy" I said as I playfully rolled my eyes again. Tommy just smiled at me and said "see ya later."

Once Tommy's car was long gone I walked inside. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face as I snuggled into the jacket taking in Tommy's amazing scent. I began humming as I skipped up the steps and got the phone. I dialed Lu's number and told her to come over with Jay as fast as they could get here. She answered with a quick ok before she hung up.

I noticed Harry isn't here. Thank god! Something inside told me to be worried but I pushed it to the back of my mind. That bastard caused me more pain then 3 bullies combined could ever do.

I heard the doorbell ring so I quickly ran down and opened it. When I saw who it was I frowned. It's Harry."Dont you have a key." I sneered. But I couldn't help but feel relieved. "What's with the attitude" Harry asked. "Whatever" I said as I turned around and was about to go up the stairs but harry grabbed the collar of my hoodie. "Who's is this" Harry asked getting pissed. "Mine" I said as I pushed the fear away. I shrugged his hand off as the doorbell rang again.

"Hey girls" I said happily as I let my to best friends into my house. "Alright meet me upstairs. Ill be there in a minute."I said as I turned around to see a shocked harry just staring at me.

"What happened to you. What happened to my sweet little sister." Harry asked. "She got abused emotionally and physically by the one who was suppose to protect her from that kind of stuff" I said as I pushed past him and walked upstairs.

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