SAFE Part 4

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Harper began to plead with me the second my two men entered the room the look in his eyes was pure terror my heart clenched as his tears began to flow all i wanted to do was hold him and let him know he was going to be all right ,but he had to be taught a lesson .

I pulled out the leather restraints from the case in front of me and and ordered my men to untie his wrists and turn him over so he was face down on the bed. Harper began to cry louder as they did as i requested "P-P-P-PLEASE  I-I-I W-WONT DO IT AGAIN P-P-PLEASE I-I-I PROMISE IM SORRY P-P-PLEASE DON'T LET THEM HURT ME "he pleaded over and over.

I frowned looking down at his quivering body i had no intention of letting anybody hurt him his cry 's broke out in to sobs as his hands and feet were bound to the bed posts making my heart tighten more. I signalled for the men to leave the room as i sat down on the bed beside him.

I gently began to  rub his back in small circles in order to calm him a little " shhhh its going to be ok just calm your self a little" his breathing was erratic and his voice hitched as he continued to cry.

"I t-t-thought y-you were going to let  them " his voice died down  i gently brushed the hair from his tear stained face" you thought i was going to let them what?" i asked curiously .

He began to sob again " tell me ,tell me what it is you thought i was going to have them do to you harper" he flinched slightly due to the frustration in my voice.

He looked up at me the tears still trailing down his beautiful face " please tell me" his body relaxed a little as my voice softened "I thought you were going to have them rape me " he began to cry louder as the word left his mouth  my heart almost broke at the thought of someone else touching him especially like that. I quickly unbound his hands and feet and pulled him on to my lap" never" i kissed his forehead gently as i  pulled him in to a tighter embrace "never would i ever let anyone hurt you like that " i felt his body relax and his small hands grip the front of my shirt i planted a chaste kiss on his for head and brushed the hair back from his face "never" i whispered as i kissed him gently on the cheek  and smiled warmly at him.

His eyes were locked on mine as we sat in comfortable silence i continued to rub his back in small circles to keep him calm.  I knew i had a bad reputation but for him to think i would have someone rape him really hurt it almost made me cry i could never hurt him like that .... i loved him i had fell in love with him the first time i saw him no way in hell would i ever let anyone but me touch him ....never.


My head rested against his chest as i looked up in to his beautiful eyes i could tell what i said had hurt him what i didn't understand is why i cared .

Looking at his hurt expression made my heart flutter i reached out my hand and gently cupped his cheek bringing him out of his trail of thought he looked down at me with a warm smile as he took my hand in his and kissed it "never" he whispered  and kissed it a second time.

He had said it with such determination and i that moment i knew he would never let anyone hurt me ever again. i placed my hand on his shoulder and lifted myself so i was straddling his lap the look on his face was priceless i don't think ive ever seen him at such a loss. I wrapped my arms around him  and buried my head in to the crook of his neck " do you promise"  i felt his arms tighten around me "yes harper i promise i will never let anyone hurt you again"

I smiled and pulled my self back to look at his handsome face. I gently traced his jaw with my small finger tips i leaned in closer and gently brushed my lips against his if this is what he wanted from me i was willing to let him have it,As long as he kept me safe i would give him my all .

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