PAIN Part 33

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Castiens p.o.v

I slowly ran my fingers through my soapy hair as the hot water cascaded down my aching back washing the soap away. Resting my head against the cold tiles i let out a long sigh as the tears slowly slid down my face.

Its been over a month  since Harper and Reese had been taken and i was still no closer to finding either of them. I felt the ache in my chest tighten as i remembered the sound of his terrified screams as that sick bastard raped him ruthlessly.

My anger grew as i remembered each whimper each word as he begged him to stop. Clenching my fist i drew it back quickly  and swung with all my strength at the cold tiles in front of me.

I growled as my tight fist connected with the cold tiles over and over again . A sharp hiss escaped my lips as the tiles cracked and pierced the skin tearing the flesh surrounding my knuckles.

I watched through tear filled eyes as the blood cascaded down my hand and wrist to be washed away by the soft flow of the warm water. My knees gave way as i crashed to the floor a loud sob broke free from deep in my throat .

The sound was so foreign to me it almost compared to that of a wounded animal. I continued to punch and rage at the cracked tiles in hope that the pain in my hands would over come the pain in my chest.

Physical pain i could handle it was nothing that couldn't be solved without treatment but emotional pain ..... now that i was never prepared for . It was foreign to me it was something i never allowed my self to feel. I had never let anyone in enough to cause this kind of pain not even my brother. My chest tightened more as i drew quick breath and let out the most  pain filled scream i had ever heard. I sounded like a mad man but i didn't care i needed to do something and right now screaming out in pain was all i could think of.

I don't know how long i was knelt on the floor of the shower before a loud bang at my bathroom door brought me out of my rage filled bubble. I reached up quickly and turned the valve stopping the now cold water from blocking the muffled voice on the other side of the door.

I quickly climbed out of the shower and reached for a towel wiping the excess water from my now cold body. Quickly wrapping the damp towel around my waist i reached for the door handle yanking it open in frustration.

" What"

 I snarled as the door swung open and banged loudly against the wall. A heavily breathing Bentley stood there with wide eyes as he took in my appearance. I grabbed a  towel from the rack wrapping my hand  as i realised he was looking at my blood covered swollen knuckles.

" What is it Bentley"

I sighed out in frustration when he made no move to tell me why he had disturbed me from my shower. His head shot up and his eyes widened.

" You n-need to come quick b-before Marcus kills him"

I grabbed him roughly  by the front of his shirt and pulled him closer to my face.

" What the fuck are you babbling about im in no fucking mood for bullshit today Bentley "

His body began to shake slightly as my breath fanned his now sweaty face. He licked his dry lips before beginning once more.

" M-marcus found out who helped Radcliff  s-sir"

I gripped his shirt tighter shaking his body slightly"


I barked as i shoved him roughly against the wall, my eyes burning in to his shaken form  daring him to take more time than necessary to tell me what i wanted to know.

"I-it's J-jay s-sir"

He stuttered out making my eyes go wide. This couldn't be. I've known jay since he was a kid hell i knew his father this had to be wrong. Jay would never betray me like this it was a misunderstanding it had to be.

"M-marcus has him  out side sir he's going to kill him if you don't do something  sir. "

I nodded my head releasing Bentley from my grasp. Quickly i threw on some slacks and made my way outside to where Marcus was holding jay at gun point.


Harpers p.o.v

I felt sick  as i made my way down stairs towards the kitchen where Jess was flying around like a pro. I quietly pulled out a stool and settled at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

I watched in awe as  he moved effortlessly around the kitchen  a chuckle escaped my lips as he squealed in surprise when he noticed i was sat there watching.

"Oh my fucking god are you guys trying to kill me?"

He shouted as he quickly patted his chest in hope to slow down his rapidly beating heart .

" i swear you guy's just want to give me a dam heart attack im gonna attach a dam bell to your necks."

A loud laugh startled me causing me to jump up from my seat with a very unmanly scream making jess burst out into fits of giggles.


He pointed at me laughing.

"Its not nice is it "

A smile drew across my lips at the sound of his giggles  he was a cute little thing even with everything  that had happened i couldn't help but like him. You could tell  he had been through something bad  just by one look but when he laughed all that fear he seemed to carry  disappeared.

After his meltdown earlier we seemed to have found a neutral ground which was great because i needed at least one friend in this god forsaken place.

He was a sweet kid but his taste in men left something to be desired the thought of such an innocent boy being head over heels in love with a monster like Radcliff completely boggled my mind but it was his choice and his choice alone.

 " you two seem to be getting on well together"

Jess smiled and a slight blush crawled up his cheek as Radcliff  tussled his hair slightly before stealing some meat out of the pan that jess was tending to.

I chuckled as he cracked the wooden spoon down on Radcliffs knuckles and pouted up at him. It was clear to anyone with eyes that this boy loved him so how the hell did his dumb ass not realise.

"Leave it alone you will spoil your appetite"

Radcliff chuckled and kissed the top of his head causing jess to turn a deeper red.

"I wont i promise  i could never waste anything you cook its just to dam good"

He replied with a dumb ass smile across his face.  I watched quietly as he teased jess the way they acted together made me smile. Radcliff was so relaxed he was an entire different person around jess i suppose in some weird way jess brought out the best in him. Watching him like this made it hard to believe that he was even capable of doing what he did to me.

For a moment i could almost believe he was a decent guy then the memories of what he did flooded my mind and that thought was washed away.

Radcliff hadn't touched me since that first night  which i was grateful for he had even gone as far to comfort me when i had a break down but all i wanted was to go home hell i would forgive what he did if he would just let me return to cass.  

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