Come undone Part 47

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the second chapter in 24  hrs so read in order the last few will be up in a few days guys.

Castiens p.o.v

Slowly I climbed from the bed never taking my eyes off Harper. The look in his eyes told me how much he wanted me and I was more than happy to give him what he wanted, but the Dom in me would only give it to him at my pace.

A smirk slid across my face as he whimpered at the loss of contact. His torso was flushed a lovely shade of pink, and if the tent in his pants were anything to go by I would guess he was about to cum at the slightest touch.

Standing at the foot of the bed I slowly began removing the remainder of my clothes never once breaking eye contact. I watched as his breath hitched as I slowly slid my trousers down my thick thighs and let them fall to the floor.

Sliding my fingers into the hem of my shorts I slowly removed them allowing my straining cock room to breathe. Dam I was so hard I wanted to cum from just looking at his smouldering eyes. I felt quite humbled to know how much he wanted me. In my entire life, no one had ever looked at me with so much love and need in their eyes,  I didn't care if any one other than Harper looked at me like that again. He was it for me and tonight I would do everything in my power to show him.

" Stand"

The order left no room for argument and being the natural submissive he was, he acted quickly and climbed off the bed to stand in front of me without question.

I smiled as he lowered his head and placed his hands behind his back with his feet spread apart.

Slowly I ran my fingers through his hair, he was so beautiful. A smile painted his lips as he leaned into my touch making my heart stutter ever so slightly.

"Good boy "

I whispered.

"Now strip"

Taking a step back I watched as he quickly removed his trousers and boxers. My breath hitched as he slowly slid the offending material down over his creamy soft thighs allowing them to pool at his feet.

I watched as he stepped out of the pool of unwanted material and moved them to the side before resuming the position for inspection.

I slowly circled him running my warm hands over the creamy skin of his bubble butt causing him to push back slightly. I swatted the tender flesh of his ass cheeks in warning and smirked as a small whimper left his lips.   I watched as his creamy ass turn a lovely shade of red. My cock twitched in delight and all I could think about was burying myself deep inside his hot quivering hole.

As I made a full circle I was greeted by his hard erection.

"It seems you're just as ready to be fucked as I am ready to fuck you pet" 

I whispered in his ear as I slowly ran my finger up the length of his throbbing cock causing it to leak.

His body shivered at the contact and a small moan left his pretty pink lips causing what little control I had left to finally snap.

"On the bed head down, arse up"

He quickly climbed on to the bed and assumed the position perfectly. Stepping up behind him I slowly ran my warm hand over the small of his back and down over his left cheek. Giving it a tight squeeze as I leant over and kissed the other cheek in appreciation.

"Beautiful "

I whispered as I slowly spread his cheeks apart leaving his tight puckered hole on display.

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