Blood and bone Part 20

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Okay guys heres the second update of the day but i must warn you its a little gruesome .

Marcus p.o.v

As we reached the back yard my heart began to pound out of my chest the sight before me was terrifying.

I heard a gasp escape the mouth of every man stood behind me as they realised who this woman was and why she was screaming.

There she hung upside down over the large wood chipper  that was hired to break down all the fallen branches and trees from winter.

The rope that held her feet was looped over a thick tree branch and secured on the metal fence below.

As i moved closer i realised the rope was on fire and it was quickly burning. If i didn't get to her in time it would snap and she would fall to a very unpleasant death.


I yelled at my colleges. I had to get to her quickly or she would die and as angry as Harper was it would still destroy him after all she was his mother.

The woman started to struggle as the flames moved quickly up the rope towards her feet tears flooded her eyes as she looked me dead in the eyes and spoke.

"For get about me protect harper he's herrrrrrahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

The burning rope broke and a blood curdling scream erupted from her throat as her tiny body fell head first into the rotating blades of the chipper below. The sickening sound of her bones crunching and her dying scream almost had me passing out.

Within seconds the poor womans body was ripped apart and her blood and shattered bones were crudely sprayed across the yard.

I stood there in utter shock as i heard a loud shout telling a very pale jay to turn the dam chipper off.

I felt the bile in my stomach rise as me and my men were soaked in her warm blood. A few of the younger guards were already throwing up the contents of their stomach and some had just fainted due to the shook of seeing the horrific scene.

The chipper was turned off  but we knew there was no way she would have survived no one would.


Castiens p.o.v

I heard her scream die down as i entered the back yard . My men were running in all directions there faces pale as they emptied the contents of there stomach on to the blood soaked ground below.

Never have i seen something so horrific in my life the poor womans blood dripped from the trees near by. Shards of the bones were scattered with bits of her flesh on the ground. I looked around for marcus to find him stood in front of the chipper soaked in her blood  shaking i could tell he was in shock.

"Turn that dam chipper off"

 I yelled as i approached. I turned and looked over at marcus his legs were shaking  i reached out to steady him so he wouldn't fall and lead him over to the patio .

Sitting him down i took a deep breath and asked him what happened and who she was. His eyes widened in horror as he stood up quickly and darted through the house with me hot on his trail.

I followed him up the stairs  and my heart started pounding in my chest as we approached the panic room .  He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed the door was open. I shoved him out of the way as i ran was empty.

Turning around quickly i grabbed marcus by the throat and shoved him roughly against the door.


He gripped my wrist trying to pull my hands free from his bruised throat but my anger made me stronger he was supposed to protect him he was supposed to protect  them both. Just then i realised i hadn't seen Reese either.

letting go of his throat he slowly slid to the ground tears dripping from his eyes. Turning away i walked back in to the room only to find a small note attached to the wall.

Reaching for it with shaky hands i pulled it free from the knife holding it in place.

Tears began to flow as i read the words that were written.


Hello there old friend

Thought you were smarter than me didn't you. You never even realised that my men had infiltrated yours in search of what was mine  but no matter i have what i came for ta ta for now.




My stomach turned as i realised Radcliff  had Harper but what worried me more was the fact he made no mention of Reese . If he didn't have him then where the hell was he?

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