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the second update read in order

I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you that kept with me through out this book. Thank you for your comments they really are the highlight of my day they really do mean the world to me. The second book (Bound to you) will be up later so please keep an eye. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did this one.

Marcus's p.o.v

The drive back from the hospital was done in comfortable silence. I kept glancing at Cass and Harper through the rearview mirror, they really did look happy together despite everything that had happened.

I was glad he had finally found someone that brought out his softer side. I was there the first time he had ever laid his eyes on the boy and I knew in an instant he wouldn't stop until he made him his. I just wish I had had the balls to do the same with Reese.

I had watched over Reese since he was a boy and as he grew older I noticed my feelings had developed from big brother to something else entirely. I had fallen in love. It happened slowly and before I knew it he was my world.

All I had to do now was build up the courage to tell him. God, i must sound ridiculous a full grown man pinning over a 17-year-old boy. God, I felt like a 13-year-old school girl crushing on some boy.

I slowly pulled up in front of the huge house we all called our home and turned off the car. I quickly climbed out of the car to open the door for my best friend and his lover only to be distracted by Bently running out of the front door.

I quickly drew my gun and pressed my back against the car door blocking Cass and Harper from any threat that may be lurking.

"What the hell is going on Bentley? Why is everyone running around like maniacs?"

I demanded as he stopped breathlessly in front of me. He looked up at me slightly shaken and my body tensed waiting for what ever terrible news he has to tell.

I watched as he caught his breath and righted himself only to be stunned by the words that left his mouth. My body reacted on its own as I took off running toward the house.

I didn't listen as I heard Cass shouting after me I had to see for myself. My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to explode at any moment.

As I rounded the corner of one of the long hallways I heard his voice. I almost cried as I entered his room as those beautiful blue- grey eyes I've waited so long to see again were looking right at me.

I froze on the spot as he looked at me questioningly. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so I just stared at him. He was awake, he was looking at me and all I could do was stare what the hell was wrong with me?

I was about to step forward as a small firm body collided with my back knocking me forward onto the foot of the bed. I heard the most beautiful noise and looked up and smiled sheepishly as Reese stared down at me chuckling.

"Are you okay their big man?"

He asked with a playful tone in his voice as I stood up and righted myself.   Before i had time to reply Harper screeched making Reese wince at the awful noise.


I watched as he wrapped his arms around him and peppered soft kisses all over his face.

"oh my god I'm so glad you finally woke up we were so worried about you. Marcus hasn't left your side since they found you. Cass had to threaten him just to make him have a damned shower because he was stinking up the place. Things got so bad that the poor nurses were drawing straws because none of them wanted to deal with him. Cass still thinks the reason you were out so long was that his stench kept you that way." 

I blushed deeply and chuckled at Harpers none stop babbling he certainly knew how to brake the tension in a room.

"Okay guys that is enough the young man has just woke up so please give him a little space while I check him over"

One of the doctors demanded as they walked in the room causing Harper to leg go of Reese.

We watched silently as the doctor checked him over and I chuckled as I looked around the room. All the faces in the room had a shit eating grin plastered on their faces it was plain to see how much this boy meant to us all.

When the doctor left for a moment we all started talking at once making Reese chuckle and rais his hand to quiet everyone down. We all went quiet and waited for him to speak.

"Hey guys um....... I'm really touched that you are all here showing how much you care. I'm so grateful that you took such great care of me. But i have just one question."

I stepped forward quickly and took his tiny hand in my large one making him blush instantly.

"Ask away sunshine we will answer to the best of our ability."

I chuckled as I watched his face turn a deeper shade of red. He cleared his throat and looked up at me through his long lashes, I would never get tired of seeing those beautiful eyes.

"Um okay um, I just wanted to know......."

I watched as he fidgeted slightly before he lifted his face and looked me dead in the eyes. The look he was giving me unnerved me it was like he was searching for something. I smiled softly and urged him on.

"Well i just wanted to know.... Who are you?"



But all will be answered in the second book and yes it will pick up from where it left off here.

BOUGHT & BOUND (malexmale) 18+Where stories live. Discover now