Panic.... Part 19

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Okay guys i know that its been a few weeks and im sorry but when i got back from holiday i was rushed to hospital . I'm home now so as a treat there will be at least two updates this week if i can i will do a third.

There are two unknown characters in this chapter i needed to let you know so there wouldn't be any confusion. Please enjoy.

Unknown character 1

That son of a bitch thinks he can get away with taking what's mine i'll show him.

I watched and waited for the right time to get harper and after all my hard work he comes in and steals him the bastard.

Those parents of his tried to run  ..... but they clearly didn't run far enough and castien will see that, when he realises just who's finger that belongs to.


Harpers p.o.v

"Hey Marcus where's Reese ?"

I call out to him as i walk down the stairs. He looks up at me with an odd look  and a slight blush covers his face.

" What's up"

I ask as he starts to fidget. He's been acting weird for the last few days and its starting to piss me off. He either rushes off in the other direction when i enter the room or he starts stuttering like a babbling idiot.

"N-nothing  sir  i-i m-mean H-harper "

See what i mean! And when ever i question him about it he just shakes his head and and starts babbling all over again.

I had a feeling he had realised that i knew about the way he felt towards Reese.  I can only presume he was worried about me telling castien. So to lay his mind to rest i thought telling him i would keep my mouth shut would be best.

As i opened my mouth to speak a loud scream tore through the house and from out of no where i was surrounded by guards.

"What the hell w-whats going on "

I stuttered as the fear in me rose to the surface.

"take him to the panic room now"

Marcus voice boomed through out the house. I was gripped firmly by the arm and pulled up stairs  .

"Marcus  what the hell is going on? Wheres Reese and Castien?"

He ignored me and ran towards the female screams.

I tried to get out of the strong grip of the guard that had a firm hold of me . I started to scream for castien as i kicked and punched at the guard who was pushing me in to the panic room.

"Get the fuck off me i need to find castien i need to find reese. Let me fucking go you prick."

I was pushed roughly through the open door of the panic room and told to behave while they looked for them. Turning quickly i tried to get past the guard but he just shoved me back causing me to fall an my ass.

"Look im sorry sir but if you are not kept safe Castien will have my head. So please just stay quiet while we find out what has happened and i promise we will come back and let you out."

With that he slammed the door and the automatic lock clicked in to place.  Pulling my knees up to my chest i leaned against the wall  and waited for god knows who to come and let me out.


UNKNOWN P.O.V 2 ***(different person from the first unknown character ).

I chuckled as i watched castiens thugs scatter and search for the the screaming woman . I couldn't wait to see the look in their eyes when they found her.

Marcus took point and lead us through the house towards the back yard where the screaming got louder i shivered in anticipation the look on their faces was going to be priceless.

As we reached the back yard i heard a loud gasp leave the throats of every man here the look of horror was clearly present and i knew that what was about to happen would haunt their  dreams for ever.


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