How do you want it? Part 18

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A  smile slides across my face as a loud scream erupts deep from within Harpers throat. Curling my fingers deep in his ass i roughly massage his prostate.

P-please i-i need to cum master."

I smirk down at his sweat covered body as pull my fingers free from his quivering hole. A small whimper escapes his lips  at the loss . Leaning down i kiss the back of his damp neck.

"Hold it"

He whimpers louder as i bite teasingly at the crook of his neck.

" How do you want it.?"

My question is  firm but  my voice is husky and i chuckle as i watch his body shiver at the sound of it. Nibbling his tender flesh i await his answer . Teasingly i thrust my hard cock between the crease off his ass i can feel his hole twitch more as i rub against it .

"R-rough i-i want it ahhhhh just do it"

Running my hot tongue  over the shell of his flushed ear i bite it playfully as i line my hard cock up with his hole and thrust full force  into his greedy twitching hole.

"Ahhhhhh fuuuuuuck "

His voice cracks as i slam my cock against his sensitive prostate .His heat devours me over and over again as i brutally fuck him in to next week.

Pulling my cock out to the tip i slam back in over and over making him scream incoherently . I hold his hips firmly as i pick up my pace all that can be heard is the sound of skin slapping harshly against skin and harpers cry 's of pleasure.

I feel my orgasm nearing quickly, the build up in my core has my balls tighten as is i continue to fuck his ass raw.

"Please p-please i-it hurts i need  ahhhhhhhhh god i need it please fuck i - i can't "

I reach around to the front of his cum soaked  shorts and pull his angry looking cock free from  the damp material.

Harpers hips take on a life of there own as he thrusts in to my hand . He meets me thrust for thrust moaning and screaming begging me to make him cum.

A sharp knock at the door startles me as I'm buried deep inside  my adorable lover. I don't stop my deep harsh thrusts as tell who ever is at the door to enter.

The door opens quickly and Marcus enters the room.A smirk slides across my face as he tries to look every where but at me and Harper.


I thrust quickly in to harpers ass and tighten the grip around the base of his shaft causing him to whimper i pull out of his ass and sit down on my office chair pulling him with me.

"Ride me"

I pull him into my lap so his back is to me and his legs are straddling my thighs i position my cock  and he slowly begins to slide it into his abused hole. I smile at Marcus over harpers shoulder as he stands there open mouthed.

"Well you came for something so spit it out can't you see im busy?"

He begins to stutter but stops dead in his tracks as i grab harpers hips and slam deep in side him.

"Ride me hard ......make me cum baby"

Marcus clears his throat and begins to ask if he could take Reese to back to the dorms to collect his belongings.

I feel my balls tighten as harper slams back down on my cock hard as i start to stroke his leaking cock quickly his ass tightens around my throbbing shaft causing me to shoot my hot seamen deep inside him i stroke his cock faster as he bounces up and down on top of me unaware that  Marcus is stood in the room watching him.

I lean forward and bite down on the tender flesh of Harpers neck.


I order. He slams back down and throws his head back and screams as i release his cock .   His  seamen shoots out in ribbons i watch as he slowly comes undone he has never before looked so beautiful and i find my self falling deeper in love.

Turning my face towards Marcus i told him to go and  smirked as he turned around he was clearly erect.

"You better take care of that while your at it"

Marcus looked down quickly and flushed a deep red.

"Oh and Marcus if you look at harper any differently i'll kill you"

"yes sir"

 With that he nodded and left the room. Looking down at my beautiful angel  i felt a calm wash over me as he slept peacefully in my lap with me still buried deep inside him.

Leaning down i kissed his forehead . I slowly pulled my hips back so my now flaccid cock popped out of his abused ass.

I pull him into my lap and hold him close he snuggles into my chest sighing contently i lean back in my chair and close my eyes letting the soft sound of his breathing lull me to sleep.

BOUGHT & BOUND (malexmale) 18+Where stories live. Discover now