Make me clean again Part 46

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castiens p.o.v

Looking into his tear filled eyes I could feel how much he needed this. A soft sigh left his plump pink lips as i pulled him close leaving no space between us.

The feel of his soft warm body pressed closely against mine made me tremble deep inside. I had been so caught up in wanting to help him that i had completely missed what he actually needed.

I slowly slid my hands up the inside of his shirt tracing his quivering skin with my fingers. Yes, this is what he needed, my touch. And with it, I would help erase all and any bad memories that radcliff had helped create.

Harper looked down at me with tear filled eyes and smiled softly. The pain he was feeling almost choked me causing more tears to leak from my own.

"You are not dirty pet, you could never be dirty. What happened wasn't your fault it was his, and mine."

I lowered my head in defeat, the look in his eyes made it hard to breathe.  My tears flowed freely as the guilt ate away at my very soul. I was supposed to keep him safe and protect him from people like Radcliff. As a dom, i had not done as I had vowed but as a lover, i had completely failed.

"I'm so sorry pet, I couldn't keep you safe"

My body shuddered as I tried to control my self but failed miserably. I flinched slightly as I felt his soft hands caress my tear stained cheeks lifting my head to look at him.

"Like you said, this was his fault not mine nor yours cass. He's to blame and if we can't move past this then he's going to succeed in what he set out to do. And I don't know about you but I'm done letting that bastard take anything more from us."

He slowly climbed from my lap and rose to his feet. Holding his hand out to me, he smiled softly.

"Make me clean again cass I need it. Make it so i can only think about and remember you."

I reached out my hand and clasped his small fingers entwining them together and pulled my self to my feet. Pulling him close i reached out my hand and clasped the back of his neck and looked deep into his eyes.

"I love you Harper"

His eyes welled with more unshed tears but this time they were tears of pure happiness and not pain or fear. This alone made me feel lighter.

"I will always love you and nothing or no one will ever come between us again, I promise."

I smiled softly as he pressed a finger to my lips to quiet me and moved his face closer.

"I love you too cass........ now shut up and fuck me."


Harpers p.o.v

The look on his face was priceless as the words left my mouth. A small giggle left my lips as i watched his jaw open and shut like a damn fish out of water  Making him look comical.

Standing on the tips of my toes i gripped his neck and pulled him closer so our lips were only a breath apart.  Slowly and teasingly i ran my hot tongue over his bottom lip and nipped it playfully.

"Hold me cass...please."

Within seconds i was splayed out across the bed with cass staring down at me with a mischievous smirk painted across his face. My heart rate increased as I took in the predatory look in his eyes.

I could feel his eyes burning into me as he moved closer and slowly ran his large warm hands up the length of my legs, stopping as he reached my waist.

Looking up in to his eyes i caught a glimpse of worry.

"Its okay Cass, i need this, I need you"

I whispered as i cupped his cheek and leaned forward placing a gentle kiss upon his soft lips. He took my hands in his and gently kissed my finger tips before placing them above my head. The look in his eyes told me to keep them there and i watched with bated breath as he slowly began removing my clothes.

His warm hands slowly slid under my shirt and pushed it up towards my chest, leaving my pale skin exposed to the cool air of the room making me shiver ever so slightly.

My breath hitched as he pulled the material over my head and threw it to the floor. He smirked down at me as i felt my skin heat up and flush under his intense eyes.

"You look so beautiful when you blush pet, i could eat you up."

A small chuckle escaped his lips as i blushed a deeper red. Only he could get this reaction from me, and he knew it.

I shivered as i felt his hot breath against the tender skin of my neck. A small moan escaped my lips as he slowly licked the length of my neck. I gasped as he gently sucked the skin at the  base of my throat leaving a mark that stated i was his, and his alone.

His warm hands slid over my stomach and chest leaving goose bumps in his wake. He slowly licked his way down my chest capturing one of my nipples in his hot mouth while the other was captured between his fingers, where he took it upon him self to tease and playfully pinch the hardening nub.

By now my body was a heated mess his tender teasing had created a storm deep inside me. My once soft cock was now fully erect and painfully pressing against the zipper of my pants. He had barely touched me and I felt like I could explode at any time.

"Cass ......Plea......please"

I could barely speak as I felt him grind his hard erection against mine. The movement of his hips was slow and torturous bringing me closer and closer to the edge but never quite getting there. I started to thrust my hips in hope of getting more friction which resulted in Cass pinning my hips to the bed with his.

"Not so fast pet, its been so long and i want to take my time with you. By the time I'm done you won't remember anyone's touch but mine." 


Okay i know i said this chapter would be smut but i decided to split it into two parts. The next part will be up by the end of the day.

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