cruel intentions Part 31

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Harpers p.o.v

I sat quietly gazing out of the window taking in the beautiful land scape it was so peaceful. I wondered how many people lived near since being here i had seen no one but his thugs and jess.

Jess was a nervous little thing he reminded me of a mouse with how skittish he was. I wondered if he was brought here the same way i was i wondered if that sick bastard had raped him the same way he had me.

He was so quiet and the times i had spoken to him he simply replied with one word answers. I did however notice the sour expression he had on his face when ever radcliff or Cliff as jess liked to call him would try to coax me in to a conversation or coo over me.

It made me wonder if during his time here he had developed feelings for the rapist son of a bitch. Just the thought of it made me sick. But when i watched the two of them i saw a side of Radcliff i never thought was possible. It was clear to see that Radcliff doted on jess and it was clear to everyone but Radcliff that jess was head over heals in love with Radcliff.

I suppose that was the reason Jess didn't seem to like me he could often be rude and abrupt i could tell he thought i was going to take away radcliff which was completely absurd . He could have him, hell i would happily gift wrap him and give radcliff to him my self if i thought it would help me get home and away from the sick son of a bitch.

I was brought out of my trail of thought by a  tiny knock at the door. I watched as the door opened slowly  and Jess's head popped in to view.

A tight smile graced his tiny lips as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. I watched as he slowly walked towards me his eyes darting around the room as if someone was about to jump out at him any minute.

"What is it Jess?"

I asked tiredly.He stopped dead in his tracks and glared at me making me chuckle slightly.

"if that look is meant to be threatening then i think you better try again. After being abducted and raped, dirty looks don't hold much weight with me."

He looked at me curiously and moved closer.

"W-What are you talking about? W-Who r-raped you"

I stared at him for a moment and realised he wasn't in the same situation as me he wasn't been held against his will. This poor kid was here because he wanted to be and was completely blinded by his feelings for Radcliff.

For some reason this made me angry how could anyone care for such a beast why would he want to be with someone who was too blind to see what was in front of them?

And to top it off takes someone from their home, holds them against their will and rapes them, while the person who loves him is made to cater to his every need, talk about adding insult to injury.This boy was either a fool in love or just a complete idiot.

Sighing i stood up from my seat and met him in the middle of the room.

"Your beloved Cliff did"

A small smirk slid across my lips as my words finally hit him and for a moment i revelled in the shock and hurt that crossed his face.

For a moment i wanted someone who loved Radcliff so honestly to hurt as much as Cass did when he had to listen to me being raped.

But as i watched this fragile boy in front of me crumble and fall apart by my cruel words i felt as if i was the monster. By those cruel words i had added another fracture to his already broken shell forever breaking what ever trust he had in Radcliff.

I could tell by that dead look in his eyes he had already been through so much and in a moment of anger, i had broken him further. I may not have harmed him physicality but in one sentence i had destroyed him completely. 

A small sob left his lips as he stepped back away from me.

"Y-Your lying h-he would n-never do that. H-he hates people who use sex as a scare tactic. H-he wouldn't do that....he wouldn't."

He lunged at me grabbing my hands and started to beg me to tell him it wasn't true. My heart broke to see this poor boy fall apart because i wanted to feel better.

"P-please tell me the truth tell me your lying he wouldn't do that. H-he s-saved me he made it all stop. He saved me he did "

His shaking body slowly slid down to the floor taking me with him my heart shattered as he gripped my shoulders and without thinking i wrapped my arms around him pulling to my chest. I felt like the worst kind of monster how could i intentionally break such an innocent heart just to make myself feel better.

Taking a deep breath i slightly pushed him away from me so i could speak.His big blue watery eyes looked up at me silently begging me to tell him it wasn't true. I forced a small smile to my lips and proceeded to tell him what he needed to hear.

"It's not true "

I swallowed hard as the bile in my stomach threatened to rise.

"I was just angry because he won't let me go home."

Jess pulled back looking at me like i was insane.


He screeched causing me to wince slightly.

"Yes, of course, i want to go home i don't belong here i want to go back to my lover i need him."

"B-but i-i don't understand your parents sold you. Y-you were bought by a sadistic monster. W-why would you want to go back?"

I looked down at him slightly amused and shook my head.

"Cass is no monster well not to me he has never hurt me, in fact, i think he is in love with me. Yes, my parents sold me but I'm glad it was to him. One day i will see them again and ill kick their ass's for what they did but it could have been so much worse.I suppose you could say i was lucky it was cass because i know that my case is very rare but trust me when i say this jess I'm head over heels in love with cass and nothing will ever change that.

He looked up at me with awe-struck eyes and a sad smile graced his pretty pink lips and it made my heart clench.

"It must be nice."

"what ?"

I replied slightly confused.

"Having the one you love, love you back."

 A huge smile slid across my lips as i looked down at his blushing face he was cute and adorable and in love.

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