Regret Part 28

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Marcus p.o.v

My blood was boiling i am going to rip that bitches head clean of her shoulders.  I sat there silently seething as cass made another attempt at getting in contact with that crazy bitches father. All this time that bitch had Reese but why?

Why would she take him? was it to get back at cass for refusing to marry her? Or was it because she was fucking insane ? What ever the reason she was going to pay and i swear to what ever god she prayed to she would pay in blood.


Castiens p.o.v

I listened to the phone ring for the hundredth time it was driving me insane. What had that crazy bitch done to make reese cry like that. In all his life he had only cried like that once and that was when our parents had died.

I watched Marcus start pacing up and down the room as the phone continued to ring.  He looked like he was about to explode any second. Why the fuck  wasn't Charles answering any of his damned calls? It was so unlike him ive called all the numbers i had for him even his holiday homes. Your probably wondering why i had every  possible number  for him. Well ill tell you it was incase that crazy bitch pulled any more fucked up shit i would have never thought it would be shit  she would do to any one other than me though.

It was driving me insane  i needed to find my brother i needed to make sure he was okay. Then im gonna make rena wish she had never crossed my path i'll make her regret  ever looking in my brothers direction.


Unknown p.o.v 

She raped him she fucking raped him. My hands were shaking i wanted to kill the bitch as she stood there smiling away to herself .

I watched as she prepared breakfast  for the poor boy if she didn't kill him her fucking food sure would.

I hated that i helped her get him here, as much as i wanted him i could never harm him not like that.

I stood there cringing as she babbled on about how cute he was when he moaned and how big  his manhood was it made me feel sick.

I was as much to blame for this as she was  i needed to make this right.

I sat there thinking of how to get reese out of this house without rena noticing and also without reese knowing i had helped her. He would surly recognize me if he were to see me with her luckily the only time i have been in the same room as him was when he was unconscious so for now he didn't know i had betrayed castien .

I poured my self a stiff drink and took a deep drink i needed to calm my self so i could think straight .As i placed my empty glass on the table i heard a loud bang and rena started screaming and cussing up a storm.

 I jumped from my stool and ran upstairs towards the master bedroom. I heard a loud pop and a pitiful whimper causing me to move faster what the hell had this crazy bitch done.

As i reached the bedroom door  my heart froze Rena was stood there shaking in anger pointing a gun at reese who was laying deathly still on the floor.

" What have you done?"

My throat tightened, as i moved closer i could see the blood starting to pool around reese's  motionless body.

"He betrayed me he tried to get away he wanted to leave me. I wont let that  happen he is mine , mine  ,mine"

 She stood there shaking her head  and pulling at her hair i watched as she began to unravel . It was clear to see that she had finally lost her mind .

I approached her from behind  slowly  so i didn't startle her.

"Rena you need to calm down. Put the gun down "

She turned and looked at me, her eyes wide as though she had just realised what she had done. She dropped the gun to the floor and started to wail.

"no no no no no "

Gripping her hair she screamed louder  falling to her knees . It was a shock to see this once strong woman turn in to something so pitiful .

Bending down slowly i picked up the gun and pointed it at her head.

"You deserve so much worse than this  for what you did to that poor boy  we both do. I guess i'll see you in hell."

I pulled the trigger as i looked in to her shocked eyes. For a second i swear i could see relief then her eyes glossed over as the bullet destroyed her brain and her small body slumped against the open door.

I quickly shoved the gun in to my holster and stepped in to the room making my way over to reese. He was still  motionless on the floor in a pool of his own blood i just hoped by the grace of god she hadn't killed him.


Okay im not really happy about this chapter and i might change it later . Anyway let me know what you think.

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