REAL Part 36

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Radcliff's p.o.v

I waited on the decking  as Jess continued the final preparations for dinner. I smiled as i listened to the small giggles and banter that exchanged between the two. I was glad that Jess and harper were getting along Jess was always so withdrawn with everybody, everybody but me that is it was nice to watch him make a friend.

I sighed running my fingers through my hair i had made such a mess of everything and no matter how  i thought about rectifying it, nothing came to mind.

Well seriously how the hell do you apologise for raping someone? .......You can't . Groaning i let my head thud down against the table how the hell was i gonna fix this?

Things had not gone to plan that was for sure. The whole idea of taking him was to get him away from castien who was known for being a bastard. When jay contacted me telling me Harpers parents had sold him to the son of a bitch i went crazy. I know what your thinking why would i give a shit or that i was just pissed off because i didn't get my hands on him first . Well you thought wrong.

Two years ago that would have been the case but after finding out what was happening to jess by the hands of his own father ,my subordinate my so called friend that all changed. I changed i had closed down all my illegal businesses dealing in human misery and made a fresh start. I wanted to be a better person i wanted to be a better man for jess.

I had agreed to help get Harper away from cass and punish his parents for selling him . When i first got him here i was stunned by how much he looked like jess just older. I thought by wooing him i could get him to forget cass and take the place of jess, who i thought would never be open to a relationship let alone one with me. Then i screwed it all up i was supposed to de-program him not fucking rape him in a moment of pure madness. God i was so screwed .

I was lost in thought as a plate was placed in front of me almost startling me to death  causing me to jump to my feet and let out a not so manly scream.


I shouted as jess and harper grabbed their stomachs because they were laughing so dam hard. I almost had a heart attack and all they could do was piss them self laughing. A chuckle escaped my lips as jess tried to reach out for the table to steady him self but missed and landed on his ass causing us all to burst out laughing once again.

By this time they both had tears of laughter streaming down their faces and i just smiled as i took in  the scene before me. There laughter was like music to my ears it had been a while since both of them had laughed like this it was much needed and seemed to break the tension which was a good thing. 

Leaning down i held out my hand for jess and gently helped him to his feet. Ruffling his hair i placed a chased kiss on his forehead and beamed down at his blushing face .Dam he looked so cute when he blushed it made me want to do more just to see if he could blush darker. By how red he was now i don't think it was possible but hell i willing to give it ago.

I chuckled as he started to babble on about forgetting something in the kitchen before turning away and scurrying off. I looked down at Harper who held a knowing smile on his face.


I asked curiously.

"Do you really not know or are you just dense?"

He asked in a playful tone.

"Know what?"

I replied confused as to what he was talking about?

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