LIMBO Part 21

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Reese's p.o.v

My head hurts i can barely move my body what the hell happened?  Where the hell am i?

I try to look around but realise ive been blindfolded. I try to reach up and remove what is covering my eyes only to realise my hands are bound to the chair i am sitting on.

Panic slowly starts to set in as i try to break free from my restraints but fail. I really shouldn't have snook  out, Cass was right we were all in danger.

I listen closely to the sounds around me hoping to get a feel for my surroundings .The sound of the bitter wind surrounds me  as it beats ruthlessly against my all ready cold skin. My hands and feet are numb and the pain in my head is getting worse a small sob breaks free from my throat as the sound of high heels clicking against stone floor startle me.

Holding my breath i listen , hoping that its someone here to help me, knowing deep down that they are not.

The clicking heels get louder as they move closer and a small chuckle  rings out through the once silent room. The sickly  smell of sweet  rose's and honey surrounds me as she walks around me inspecting the damage she has caused.

I shudder as i feel her hot breath on my neck as she leans down to speak softly in my ear.

"aww poor baby look what they did to you "

Her finger hooks underneath my chin and lifts my throbbing  head and i almost puke as she slowly licks my chapped lips.

"Don't worry baby i will make it all better"

She grips my jaw roughly and plants a sickening kiss on my lips. Pulling my head away quickly,  i spit at her hoping i got the sick bitch right in the face and by the sound of her high pitch screech i did.


 I feel my left cheek almost explode as her hand roughly connects with my already stinging skin.


Her sharp nails dig in to my scalp as she yanks my head back roughly and once again kisses me.

"You my dear are mine and believe me when i say this , i will have you."


Marcus p.o.v

It's been two days two fucking days and we still don't know where Reese is im going out of my dam mind.

At least with harper we have a clue but reese ...... nothing. Cass is ready to kill and i believe he will stop at nothing to get them back.

I can't believe the stupid little shit though sneaking out was a good idea when all this shit was happening i swear im gonna kick his sexy little ass up and down this dam house once i get him  back. Then im never gonna let him out of my sight again.

The sound of glass breaking brings me from my internal rant  causing me to look over at Cass. He looks as exhausted as i feel but he wont rest he refuses to sleep until he gets harper back from Radcliff  and finds out who took Reese. I look down at the phone in my hand it was all we found when we set out to find him. He had arranged to meet some guy call matt  but never turned up  so all we know is he disappeared between here and the dam park which is only a ten minute walk from here.

What really pisses me off is no one saw anything it was broad daylight how the fuck can no one see anything. My body starts to shake as i feel the never ending tears begin to fall down my already  tear stained cheeks once again i feel lost i feel as if im in limbo i swear to the gods if who ever took him hurts him i will make them pay in blood.

Hey guys i know its been a couple of weeks but ive been sick and my grandfather  passed away but im back now and i will be doing a couple more updates over the next day or two to make up for the ones i missed.

Any way i thought id do a chapter in the p.o.v of reese and marcus  and for those of you who have asked yes there will be a second book and yes its based on reese and marcus  hope you guys enjoy.

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