Good boy chapter 35

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Hey guys this chapter is going to be disturbing I thought i better warn you before you read it. It will contain  torture  and if this is not something you like to read then i suggest you bypass the next couple of chapters. if not then enjoy.

Castiens p.o.v

My rage was  simmering just beneath the surface, if this son of a bitch thought for one minute i would go easy on him he would be  sorely mistaken.

Picking up a short bladed knife i made my way over towards a thrashing jay.

"The more you struggle the more pain you will be in you might want to remember that "

I whispered in his ear causing him to shudder violently. I ran the knife slowly from the small of his back up the length of his spine to the centre of his shoulders causing him to whimper around the contraption in his mouth.

Grabbing the collar of his shirt i sliced the material slightly before losing patience and just ripped the shirt down the centre of his back leaving him exposed to the watchful  eyes behind me.

The hairs on his body rose from his skin as his breathing increased and pure fear set in.

"Do you know their are so many ways to skin an animal its always best to remove the skin intact, but seeing how there is no market for human hides removing the skin in one  single piece isn't necessary."

A smirk slid across my angry face as i moved around the pole to look at his panic ridden face. His eyes were wide and puffy due to the pointless tears he had cried. Had he thought about  how harper had cried as he begged Radcliffe to stop raping him ? he fucking didn't so fuck him.

He continued to mumble and beg me with his deer like eyes, his tears flowed  as mucus slid from his nose and saliva from his mouth in truth he looked a wreak and this tickled me and I hadn't even started yet.


Marcus pov

I watched with bated breath as Cass moved around Jay slowly he was playing with the boy and he was enjoying it. The hairs on my neck rose up as he talked about skinning the boy and in that moment i realised that this was exactly what he was about to do.

"The best thing to do would be to starve you for a few days so the skin becomes loose but seeing as how i don't have time for that i'll have to make do"

The tone in his voice was cold and calculated i could tell he had planned this for a while. I knew when we found out who had betrayed him they would suffer but for him to actually skin them alive had only entered my mind in anger. I never actually thought that it would become a possibility.

He came full circle around the shaking wreck that was jay and stood behind him with the short bladed knife in hand. It accrued to me that  it was the perfect type of blade to flay an animal only in this case the animal was Jay. 

"Lets begin"

His voice was almost song like as he slowly slid the knife over his shoulder blade in a downward motion scoring the skin lightly. Jay released a muffled scream as the blade continued down towards his lower back stopping just above his right buttock. The blood flowed freely coating his back and legs and pooled at his feet.

Cass lifted  the knife once more and scored the skin about two inches from the first wound stopping just above the buttock once more. Jay thrashed screaming around the contraption in his mouth  his head turned in my direction and with his eyes he begged .

I watched as he ran the knife across the top of jays shoulder connecting the two wounds .The wound was about two inches  wide and about 16 inches in length.

"Your doing really well jay ........ good boy keep it up."

He said with a playful pat to his blood covered shoulder. His entire de-meaner was terrifying i shivered at the sound of his playful voice and i knew from here on out it would only get worse.



I had scored the skin about 2 millimetres deep, now it was time to remove it. I listened and chuckled as jay screamed,  he felt me slowly peel back the skin sliding the knife just underneath it. And in one felt swoop i slid the knife in a downward motion  detaching the whole strip from his back revealing the muscle that lay beneath.

His body shook violently as the pain became unbearable His muffled screams were music to my ears. He deserved this pain and worse his betrayal will be one that sticks with me for the rest of my life. I grew up with him i trusted him and now......... i would kill him.

"There that wasn't so bad now was it"

I said in a sickly sweet voice as i held up the blood soaked strip of skin in front of him. His eyes were almost swollen shut due to the amount of crying he had done .


I screamed making him flinch and raise his head to look me in the eye. 


I roared as i threw my fist into his face.


I chanted  over and over as i heard the bones crack. I lifted my knee and connected it to his stomach with such force  he lost control of his bladder.

I took a step back and looked  at the blood and piss soaked mess in front of me and sneered. My heart broke he was my brother he was my friend  i trusted him and now........I WOULD KILL HIM.


Hey guys this chapter was really hard to write so i split the chapter in to two im half way through the second half it should be up later to night.

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