~*Wedding Details*~

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** Harry's POV **

Louis kisses me again before getting he's perfectly naked body off of my lap.

I watch him walk over to the closet and pull out some clothes. I look at him thinking that I can't believe how much I love him. When I got up the morning of my Xfactor audition, I never thought that I would fulfill my dreams and meet the man of my dreams. In the bathroom of all places.

I look over on my arm and see my hi tattoo, and think about the first day my eyes met those beautiful blue eyes.


"I'll be back" I said to my mum "I've got to use the loo." "Hurry Harry" my mum says, "You don't want to miss your audition." As I jogged down the hall I kept telling myself not to panic.

I jogged into the loo still so nervous about my upcoming audition

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I jogged into the loo still so nervous about my upcoming audition. While trying to hurry I splash some pee on the guy next to me. "Oops!" I said he laughed and said "hi." I looked up to see a beautiful brown haired blue eyed man.

"I'm so sorry " I said "I'm just so nervous." He laughed and said "It's okay it just went on my shoe." " My names Louis" "Hi im Harry" I said.

We washed our hands and walked out of the bathroom. "What are you singing" Louis asked? As we walked down the hallway "Isn't She Lovely" I answered. "What about you?" "Hey There Delilah" he said looking over at me.

I guess he could tell I was really nervous because he put his arm around my shoulder and even then his touch set me on fire. "I'm sure you'll do great" he said looking at me with a smile. "Thanks" I said "You too". ''Well good luck" he said. "You too" I said again thinking that I hope this wasn't the last time I saw that beautiful boy.

I remember how crushed we both were when we didn't make the cut to be a single act on the show, and when Simon told us that we could continue as band Louis surprised me by jumping in my arms. We've been Inseparable every since. Who knew that a simple trip to the loo would change my whole life.

****End Of Flashback*****

I must have been thinking for a while because the next thing I know Louis is bringing me out of my thoughts with a kiss, and telling me he'll meet me down stairs.

I walk over to the closet and decide on a pair of black skinny jeans, a red plaid shirt and dark brown boots. I get dressed leaving the shirt unbuttoned enough to show the bird tattoos on my chest.

After fixing my hair and brushing my teeth I head down stairs to find Louis on the couch with a notebook and a pen between his teeth. "There is some tea on the stove" he tells me. "Hurry I wanna go over some things with you" I hear him say as I walk into the kitchen.


**Louis' POV**

"Okay" I say as soon as Harry starts over to the couch. He sits down pulling me over to where Im sitting between his legs. He places a kiss on my temple. "Okay what are we looking at here" Harry ask? "This is a list of just a few things we need to do to plan the wedding."

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