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Author's Note- listen to the video at the top all the way through I promise it's worth it.

A week and a half later and a day before the late late show

**Liam's POV**

"WE WIN AGAIN..... told you all Narry was better than Lilo" Niall brags.

"We let you win" Louis lies.

We've been in LA for the past four days and tomorrow is the Late Late Show and I'm freaking out but I'm trying to do my best to hide it from Niall. I don't want him to think I don't want our fans to know about us.

"Oookay Tommo" Niall says dragging out the o.

"Okay Nialler rematch if Liam and I win we pick the place for dinner. If you and Harry win you pick."

"Oh Lou haven't you had enough of this" he says motioning toward his body.

"Niall its never enough" Louis says grabbing my hand and pulling to the middle of the pool while Niall does the same to Harry.

Since we we're in LA when their wasn't a lot of tourist we could pretty much do as we pleased.

We had gone to see some friends and also gone out to eat with James and his family.

We had also done some shopping earlier in the week but decided to stay at hotel today because the paparazzi couldn't get to the pool and it will give us a break before going on the show.

Despite it not being tourist season we still had the paparazzi to worry about and if they catch us doing anything they twist it to where it something bad no matter what it is.

We'd been at the pool for pretty much most of the day the last hour we had spent having chicken fights Lilo vs Narry

Harry and I both go under water so Louis can get on my shoulders and Niall can get on his.

"Okay on the count of three" Harry says while making sure he has a good grip on Niall's legs so it will be harder for Louis to push him off as I do the same.

"1,2,3, go" Harry says

Louis and Niall immediately start pushing each other. Harry and I are both pretty tired so when he winks at me I know exactly what he's thinking.

We both count to three and at the same time (not out loud but mouthing it to where we could both see) than I let go of Louis' legs he lets go of Niall's causing them both to fall off of our shoulders.

When they come up from under the water and see Harry and I already getting out they know exactly what we've done.

"Hey!" they both say in unison.

"Lirry won we're picking where to eat hows KFC sound Haz?" I say as Harry hands me a towel.

"Great Li" he says "Are you two just gonna stay in the pool and pout or come with me and Liam?"

"Its Food" Niall says "I'm coming"

"And what about you Boobear? I'd hate to have to eat without you." Harry says

"I'm coming too." Louis says "But Nialler this isn't over."

"I didn't think it was." Niall says

As Niall gets out I see him shivering. "Come here babe" I say holding a towel out and wrapping it around him.

"Well mates how about we meet in the lobby in about an hour?"

"Sounds good" they all say in unison.


**Harry's POV**

After Louis and I take a shower we head downstairs to find Liam and Niall already waiting.

"Let's go boys"

Author's Note- sorry Harry's dialogue is so short

**Liam's POV**

"Hey do you all remember when we were writing Midnight Memories and we wanted it to be We Love KFC?"

"Yeah I don't know why management wouldn't let us do it like that." Niall says

"Cause their a buzz kill" Louis says

"Maybe we can do a single or put it on our next album as a bonus track or something" Harry says as we walk up to the counter.

"Maybe" I answer him

"Hi welcome to Kentucky fried how may I help you?" The man behind the counter ask.

I order a bucket of fried chicken for all of us to split of course Niall ate more than his fair share.

After eating we decided to go straight back to the hotel so we could be rested for tomorrow


"Niall babe is that you" I say sitting up and turning on the lamp on the bedside table.

When I look over I see Niall pacing back and forth.

"Oh sorry did I wake you" he ask as he sits at the foot of the bed

"That doesn't matter what matters is if your okay" I say

"No I'm okay just a bad dream come on let's go back to sleep" he says

"Niall I've known you long enough to know that you don't get this worked up over a bad dream"

"That's not true what about the time I had a dream that there was no more food on earth and woke up crying?" He ask

"Okay your right if you can look me in the eye and tell me your dream was something like that we'll lay down and go back to sleep."

"Okay, okay it wasn't a bad dream. But before I tell you I want you to know that I love you and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I wanna be with you for as long as you'll have me" He says cupping my face in his hands so that we're looking eye to eye.

"I love you but your scaring me what's wrong?"

"I'm just nervous about coming out tomorrow. And it's not because I don't want the world to know we're together or anything like that its just different I know the fans accepted Harry and Louis but more than a thousand of them already knew Larry was more than a bromance. Niam's different the fans didn't know . they always thought it was just a bromance what if they don't like us together. And also you hear people all the time saying those boys in one direction are gay and now we've proved them right." He says as tear streams down his face.

"Niall let me tell you a secret" I whisper to him. "I've been scared too"

"You have?" He ask surprised

"Yeah but I realized something...our love is Strong enough to get us through anything. And as for those people who say that one direction is a gay band well they're wrong cause you and I are bi." I say making him laugh "and in the great word of Louis Tomlinson if the fans don't accept us for us then they're not true directioners. Now it's almost 4:00A.M. we better get to sleep."

"Okay but first" he says as he closes the space between us connecting our lips. Then suddenly making me fall back on to the bed with Niall on top of me.

I feel Niall nibble on my bottom lip asking for entrance which I instantly grant him his hands move out to my hair as mine move down the sides after a few minutes of an intense kiss we both are out of breath but Niall doesn't pull away instead he kisses his way down my neck.

"I have the smartest boyfriend ever" he says

When he makes it to the collar of my shirt he stops and leans up placing another kiss to my lips before rolling off of me laying his head on my chest and going to sleep

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