Chapter 3- Wind and rooms and baths

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I spent a week in my cell, but Zuko didn't come down again, much to my relief. Uncle Iroh, as I had learnt to call him, visited me every day to talk and teach me about his world. He even brought books, and I was surprised to find that I could understand their writing, even though it was nothing like English. They wrote in flowing symbols, not unlike the characters of most Asian languages, and yet they spoke with accents that sounded English, though with slight twists here and there. I decided, for the sake of my sanity, to file that piece of information away into the very-unusual-but-can't-be-bothered-answering-it box.

In return, I would tell him bits and pieces about my world, and Uncle Iroh was particularly interested to learn the we had discovered how to use electricity. Apparently certain firebenders could conjure lightning, and he asked if it was possible to use that lightning to power their machines. I told him I didn't really know; in theory they could but I wouldn't know the first thing about how. He was also shocked to learn that gold and amber eyes were not natural where I came from.

'You truly have no one with my eye colour?' Iroh asked, fascinated.

'No, we don't. So you can imagine that it is a bit of a shock to see people with golden eyes,' I answered.

Sometimes I would tell Uncle Iroh about my family, about my mother Anne, my dad James, and my brother Gabe. I would tell stories about when I was younger, and the places I had been and the things I had seen. These stories would usually end up with me in tears, as Uncle Iroh listened and consoled me. During these times my grief would often turn into anger, and I would rage and rant about Zuko and just how much I wanted to hurt him for what he did to me.So it was good for both of us that he didn't come down. Being near him, even the thought of being near him made me shudder, the feeling of being so helpless around him made me scared and angry at myself for not being stronger. That made me more determined; I was going to learn how to fight and then get off this ship and fight the Fire Nation with everything I have.


As the week passed it grew colder and colder, until it got to the point where I was constantly shivering, even when covered by the vast amount of blankets Iroh gave me.

'It really isn't healthy, to be in this temperature,' Iroh said in a pondering tone, his breathe clearly visible in the frigid air.

'R-really? I did-didn't know that,' I said in a sarcastic voice. It was somewhat lessened by my chattering teeth.

He looked at me for a minute with a thoughtful look on his lined face before seeming to reach a conclusion.

'Bring anything you need and come with me,' he said abruptly.

'Um...a-am I allowed to...?' I said uncertainly.

Iroh waved a dismissive hand.

'Of course, of course, I just told you to come with me didn't I?'

I shrugged. What's the worst that could happen? It would be better than staying in this icy cell. I gathered my many blankets and followed Iroh, who spoke quickly to the guard, who in turn saluted and allowed us to pass. We walked up the corridor, turning a few times and going up some stairs until we came out onto the deck. I closed my eyes briefly as I felt the fresh sea air caress my face, and realised that this was the first time I had been outside for over a week. We then headed towards the crew and officers quarters, and walked up the stairs and turned a corner, walking along until we reached a door. I looked across the corridor to the door right in front of mine. I wonder who lives there?

'Here you are,' Iroh said, gesturing to the room before me. It was much larger than my cell, with an inviting double bed and a comfy looking chair placed in front of a desk. There were two portholes where I could see the front of the ship and the horizon. Under my feet was a lush red carpet, and a Fire Nation banner on the wall. I spied a brazier with hot coals in it, and nodded appreciatively. I won't freeze anymore. Turning back to Iroh I give him a huge smile.

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