Chapter 15-Trippy, hey

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'Perkele', I swore, the only Finnish word I knew. I still wasn't exactly sure what it meant, but it seemed to fit the occasion. Aang had just taken off, gliding elegantly downwards towards the village and the angry spirit that was currently going all Godzilla on it. Everyone else was stunned at Aang's rash action, mouths and eyes gaping.

'Come on! We can't just let him go like that!' I shrieked. Katara was the first to react, her head snapping to mine.

'Go,' she said, and we took off down the hill, Haru and Sokka yelling at us to stop. Hana tried to grab the boys, but they shook free and bolted after us. My feet were flying as I lost sight of Aang, my breath came on short, sharp bursts as my mind went strangely numb. Katara had uncapped her water gourd, ready for a fight. Sokka moved on my left, his handsome face hard with determination, a vast difference from his usual sarcastic boyishness.

With Haru bringing up the rear, we finally crashed through the gates of the village, to be met with Aang flitting about as the spirit blatantly ignored him. It was much larger than I first realised, and its eyes glowed with the same eery blue light it roared out of its jaws. It look angry. Very angry.

'Uh...' Katara slowed, coming to a stop as she craned her neck upwards. 'So, what now?'

'I guess we fight-' Haru was cut off as Aang, frustrated, yelled at the spirit.

'I command you to turn around now!'

I winced. Not exactly what I would have said to mysterious spirit who was clearly pissed off. I know I wouldn't have liked it. And, as it turned out, neither did Hai Bei. It turned around and blasted Aang with it's weird blue energy, and tried to take a swipe at him.

'That's it,' Sokka growled, raising his arm and letting his boomerang fly towards the spirit, running after it yelling.

'Over here you great brute!'

This time a smacked my forehead.

'Alright, let's get this over with,' I sighed as I saw Sokka's boomerang have absolutely no effect at all. Katara and I moved forwards, our hands raised. Her small stream of water hovered in the air, prepared to strike as I started to summon the wind around me. Haru moved next to Katara, his eyes wary and conflicted. I hope he will use his bending, I thought apprehensively. We were going to need all the help we could get. I was only thankful that there were no villagers in the houses currently under attack.

But then Hai Bei did something very unexpected. It whirled around and snatched Sokka, before rushing past us and melting into the forest. Katara screamed and my breath caught in my throat, my feet moving in the same direction as the spirit as I ran as fast as I could. Aang shot past us on his glider, disappearing too. As we got to the gate, we lost sight of them, and Katara was crying out in utter terror.

'Sokka! Sokka! No!'

'Amelia! No!' Her shrieks seemed to melt into a different voice, calling out a different name. My name.

I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, dispelling the memory back where it came from. I turned to Katara, her head buried in Haru's chest.

'Katara, Aang will find him. He will find Sokka,' I said, my voice slurring. Huh, weird. The sky was getting darker, much faster then it should be. 'Uh, Katara-'

And then everything was black. Again.

I needed to stop doing this.


Once again, I was floating. But this time, it wasn't darkness that surrounded me. Instead, it was as if I was in a virtual reality simulator. The forest stretched out in front of me, dark and foreboding, while the village lay behind me. I glanced down, and was only mildly surprised that my feet weren't touching the ground. I could hear Katara and Haru speaking frantically to my left, and as I looked over I saw them bending over my body that was lying lifeless on the ground.

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