Chapter 18- Just won't leave me alone

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' have until the end of summer to learn how to bend water, earth and fire?' I asked, my rice half-way to my mouth. Aang nodded, eyes lost in our little campfire. Sokka and Katara were just as shocked; Sokka had even stopped chewing his dinner for a second.

'And then a big fiery comet will fly past and make the Fire Nation absurdly powerful so that they can finish the war?'

Another nod.

'Well crap. We're so screwed.'

Katara put her bowl down on her lap, frowning. Sokka resumed eating, although not with the same gusto that he usually consumed his food. Aang didn't seem to be eating at all, his mind clearly elsewhere.

Appa had flown the entire night after we escaped from the Fire Nation, and when we finally landed in the Earth Kingdom he had collapsed with a groan, refusing to move. We were all, of course, incredibly grateful to the huge flying bison, and so we had treated him like a king for the whole day. Even Momo gave Appa some fruit he had found, chittering softly to his friend.

And then we all crashed. We slept until way past midday, and even then it was a struggle to get up again to eat. The rush of events that had happened in the past week were too many to recount, and had exhausted me more than anything else I had ever done. But now, after some food and with a clearer mind, I realised now that our mission, whatever it was, had to start in earnest.

'So, we just need to find a few teachers, right?' I said casually, and Aang looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

'I guess.'

I shrugged. 'Shouldn't be too hard, right? We go to the North Pole, someone there teaches you water bending, then we find an earth bender, and then a fire bender.'

Sokka snorted. 'Yeah, we'll just find a fire bender who doesn't want to capture Aang and keep him for the rest of his life in a prison in the middle of a volcano.'

You could almost taste the sarcasm.

'Alright, smart arse, you got a better idea? No? I didn't think so,' I grinned at him. 'Leave the planning to the professionals.'

It had the desired affect of making the others soften and smile. We all knew the next year was going to be...well, almost impossible. We were already halfway through winter, which in reality didn't leave us much time.

'You know,' Aang said, glancing at me, 'I won't be the only one training in the other elements.' He smiled at me. 'You will be too.'

My eyes widened a little and I glanced at my hands, my mind flashing back to the arena, to the king, to the feeling I had when I released that fire from my hand. I still didn't know why. Why me? Why could I do something no one else was supposed to do? Why won't someone tell me?

Was I ever going to know?

Probably not.

'I...I guess,' I said slowly. The thought made me uneasy. I wasn't supposed to be like this, in this world, without my family.

I looked up at Aang, and for a moment I saw my brother. A brother I would do anything to protect, even battle a thousand Fire Nation princes to keep him safe. I glanced back down, studying the blades of dull winter grass beside my legs. I was here, in this world, in this war, and I had to do for Aang what I would do for my brother.

I smirked slowly. 'The Fire Nation had better watch their backs. The Avatar and the Outsider are about to kick some arse,' I joked, getting to my feet. 'Starting now.'

I turned my gaze to a grinning Katara. 'Well, are you ready to become a teacher?' I asked. The grin slipped from her face, replaced by a surprised expression.

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