Chapter 24 - Under Siege pt II

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The Fire Nation stopped firing after the first few shots, and instead waited just out of reach. Water Tribe men and women lined the top of the outer wall, spears glinting in the moonlight as they watched their enemy with unblinking eyes.

Katara, Sokka, Aang and I had gone back to the command centre in the palace, tired but unable to sleep. We continued to talk about strategies and possible ways to outsmart the Fire Nation, but most of it was nonsensical. The last of the civilians had been evacuated to a fishing port hidden among the ice on the easters side, where they would hopefully escape to the Earth Kingdom if the citadel fell.

And so, as I was finally beginning to nod off, I almost damn near had a heart attack when Yue suddenly burst into the room, startling most of the Council. Sokka jumped to attention, eyes immediately focussed on the Princess and forgetting about everything else in the room. For a split second I felt a stab of jealousy, but quickly shook it out of my head as soon as it entered. It was nothing.

'Father,' she called, her eyes wide and excited. The Chief frowned, confused.

'Shouldn't you be with the others—'

'I have an idea,' she cut him off, almost bouncing on her feet. I was watching her closely, like everyone else, and I felt a flicker of surprise that she had interrupted her father. She never interrupted anyone.

'The Avatar is the bridge between our world and the spirit world, yes?'

'Well, yeah,' Aang piped up, walking towards her. The princess turned to him, pale eyes glittering.

'Yue, you should be with the rest of the Tribe—'

'Can you go to the spirit world?' she said earnestly to Aang, once again cutting her father off. 'Maybe they can help, give you some advice or strategy to help us win this battle.'

Aang blinked. 'I don't know, I've never actually tried to go there by myself before—'

'This is ludicrous!' One of the Council members – I'd already forgotten his name – protested. The Chief looked somewhat inclined to agree, but Yue spoke up again, her voice determined as she looked around the room with her chin raised.

'We are the children of the Moon and the Ocean. Would they not do anything to help us? They helped me, during the first night of my life, when I would not cry or open my eyes. I was dying, but my father prayed to the Moon, and I lived.' She looked every person in the eye, daring them. 'The spirits touched me. My white hair is proof of that. My life is proof of that.'

Everyone was quiet. I was shocked, and I think by the expression on Katara and Sokka's faces, so where they. After a moment, Aang stirred.

'We should at least try,' he said, looking at Arnook. 'The Fire Nation aren't attacking tonight, and if there is the tiniest possibility I can get one of the spirits to help us, I want to try.'

Chief Arnook looked down at the large map in front of him, thoughtful, eyes crinkling as he squinted at his daughter. Those around him stared, waiting for his verdict.

'Go,' he whispered.


Yue led us through the palace to the frozen gardens at the back, her steps fast and light. She was almost floating on air, her excitement was that palpable. We struggled to keep up, with me slipping on ice at least three times before we reached the cliffs at the back of the citadel. During my stay at the North Pole, I had only fallen twice, which I was extremely proud of. Sokka would say three times, but I didn't count that one particular instance. I will insist till my dying day that Sokka pushed me.

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