Chapter 6- Freedom

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I stared, sightless, out of the window, my thoughts running around my head. Now that Zuko had the Avatar, there might just be a chance for me to escape with him, if I could somehow get a message to him... But how was I going to do that? I was locked in this stupid room by a stupid teenager, and I had no way out. Growling with frustration, I was just about to turn away when a streak of yellow and orange appeared in my vision. I jerked back to the window, just in time to see the Avatar run into the command tower.

'What is he doing...?' I wandered out loud. A few minutes later my question was answered when my door opened and the Avatar's head popped through. 'Nope,' he said and was just about to shut the door when I reached out and stopped him.

'Wait! Help me!'

That got his attention. He paused, and looked at me cautiously.

'Please, I'm a prisoner of Prince Zuko's and I really really want to get off this ship. Can you help me?' I said in a rush, my eyes pleading. Up close I could see that the Avatar really was no more than a child, with strange blue arrows tattooed onto his skin. He regarded me with large grey eyes for a second, before grinning at me.

 'Sure,' he said, then frowned. 'You wouldn't happen to know where my staff is, would you?'

I pointed to Zuko's room across the hall from mine. 'Most likely in there,' I said. Without another word the Avatar turned and went into the room, getting half way across before the door was slammed back into its frame.

Uh oh.

I winced when I heard the sound of flames, and the odd crash. Then I heard a strange thumping, like someone had gotten a mattress and was throwing it against the wall.

The door opened and the Avatar ran out, looking at me with wide eyes.
'Quick! We need to go,' he said, running down the hallway with his staff. I followed without a second glance, my boots pelting down the metal corridor. We soon made it onto the deck, when a swarm of soldiers appeared. 'Um, what now?' I asked, a tad nervously.

'Stay behind me,' the Avatar said, the staff in front of him. The guards attacked as one, all of them aiming for the young Avatar. With one sweeping movement he hurled half of them against the railing of the ship, and whirled around to block fire balls from the others, spinning his staff so fast it was a blur. I stood there for a moment, taking in the graceful way the Avatar commanded the air. Then I heard a roar behind me, and turned to see a seriously pissed off Zuko thundering towards us, his ponytail slightly askew.

I shifted my stance, a determined look on my face as I raised my hands. Zuko spotted me, and stopped in surprise, which was quickly followed by his usual  arrogant scowl.

'What are you doing outside your room?' he demanded.

'Getting off this blasted ship,' I said through clenched teeth. Zuko's scowl became more pronounced, and he moved towards me. I panicked slightly, before I remembered I could bend. Not well, mind you, but it was something.

Taking a breath I shifted my weight and punched, an arrow of air following the movement. It hit Zuko in the chest, and he stumbled in surprise. He obviously didn't expect me to attack him. I grinned evilly, and kicked out, a blast of air shooting from my foot. Prepared this time, Zuko stepped fluidly out of the way and continued to walk towards me, flames sprouting in each hand, but he didn't strike. Starting to panic again, I tried to imitate the graceful and balanced moves the Avatar had deployed, but to no avail. Zuko was getting closer, close enough for me to feel the heat radiating off him, but still he didn't strike. I could sense the Avatar behind me, still whirling and striking out at the soldiers.

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