Chapter 9- A warrior in the making

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The first thing I heard as the darkness lifted was Sokka muttering. It was a little bit trippy, not gonna lie. Soon after my other senses started to work again, and the reason why Sokka was muttering finally made sense.

I was tied to a massive wooden pillar, and I could feel that the others were there with me. I squeezed my eyes, trying valiantly to ignore my massive headache that was throbbing at the base of my skull, and I could feel a sack over my head. I couldn't hear the others, but I could detect people walking around us, and the hushed whisper of a crowd. The smell of cooking food reached my nostrils, and I realised that we must be in a village of some kind.

A cold breeze brushed my hand, nudging against it. If I could just manipulate it to cut the ropes...

'Alright, I've had enough! Who are you? Why did you capture us? Show your faces, cowards!' Sokka snapped, his voice breaking slightly. Suddenly the hood was snatched off my face, and I was blinded by the sudden light. After a few seconds of intense blinking and hissing at the light like a vampire, my eyes adjusted enough for me to take in my surroundings. And our captors.

I was right when I thought we were in a village; there were people in blue clothing surrounding us, with houses nearby and mountains rising up in the distance. There was a group of women in green kimono-style armour were standing in front of us, their white faces and sharp eye makeup giving them a stern look. Or maybe it was because they were looking at us sternly...

'Who are you?' Sokka asked again. 'Where are the men who captured us?'

'Are you serious?!' Katara snapped.

'So sexist,' I muttered, rolling my eyes.

'I can't believe you Sokka!'

'What? There is no way they could had overpowered us.'

The women who had tied us up looked at Sokka incredulously, and one of them, I assumed she was the leader due to the gold band around her head, stepped forward and glared. 'There were no men. We captured you, whether you like it or not.'

Her voice was surprisingly youthful, but her tones made it clear that she was in charge. Sokka shrank back, if that was possible when tied to a massive pillar. The woman smirked, and then turned her green-eyed glare on the rest of us.

'Thank you Suki, I will take it from here.'

An elderly man stepped past the warrioresses, a giant grey beard hiding most of his face. But his eyes were just as hard as the women behind him.

'Who are you, and why are you on Kyoshi Island?' he said in a surprisingly soft voice. I opened my mouth to answer, but he cut me off with more questions.

'Are you Fire Nation spies? We have managed to stay out of the war for this long.'

I took a breath, but was cut off again, this time by the leader of the women, Suki. I scowled, annoyed.

'And if you don't answer our questions, we will throw you back in the water with the Unagi.'

Well, if you actually gave us a chance to answer you...

'Look,' Aang said, 'I just wanted to ride the Elephant Koi. If you let us go, we leave straight away.'

The man narrowed his eyes. 'And how do we know that you all aren't Fire Nation spies?'

Sokka sighed, exasperated. 'Seriously? We just want to leave. In fact, if it wasn't for you pesky girls, we would already be on our way.'

I winced.

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