Chapter 17- Oh, it's you

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Warning! Language! Amelia gets a little angry :P


The wind was freezing. I mean, when you're this far above the ground and going at a respectable speed, of course the wind would be freezing. Appa wasn't exactly a Boeing 747 by any means, but he flew very high and very fast.

Which meant freezing wind.

Luckily, the Water Tribe siblings had a lot of warm clothing at their disposal, so I made good use of it. Coming from Melbourne, I could handle a bit of chill, which is better than most Australians. But this was a bit too much for someone who had 40+ Celcius days in summer.

'You're lips are looking a little blue,' Sokka called over the sound of the wind. I grimaced in response and glared at Aang. How he was dressed in a thing robe and was not shivering was beyond me. Was it because of some monk powers or something? Did being the Avatar exempt him from being cold?!

'How are you not cold?' I called over the sound of the wind, teeth chattering. Aang glanced behind him and grinned.

'I divert the air around me. Stops the wind chill,' he explained. I raised an eyebrow.

'How do you do that?' I was curious now.

He shrugged, turning back to face the never-ending ocean. 'Well, it's actually quite simple. You simply tell the air to go around you.'

I groaned. Oh yes, so very simple. My body shivered violently and I pulled the parker tighter around me. Maybe it was worth a shot...

I closed my eyes. I had no problem getting in touch with the wind, after all it was battering me with glee.

So tell it not to.

I imagined the air slipping past me as if there was an invisible barrier, millimeters thin, protecting me for the chilling force of the air. I gasped in surprise when the chill left me almost immediately. The wind was still there, I could feel it brushing past me, but instead it was as if the flexible invisible barrier was letting the coldness slip past. It was amazing, and it didn't stop.

Aang turned and saw my expressing, then gave a small laugh. 'Told you.'

'How does this work? I'm not even trying hard,' I said, stunned. Aang smiled wisely.

'The air is very in tune with your thoughts, more so than the other elements,' he called over his shoulder. I nodded, I had seen that even the slightest suggestion was very affective. 'So, unless you fall asleep or give a conscious demand, the wind should just go past you. What you have done is created a sealed air bubble of sorts, so heat won't escape. But don't worry, you can still breathe.'

'That's amazing!'

'I know,' he laughed. 'Good lesson, isn't it? It's very handy.'

Wasn't it just. I leant back, now not shivering, and smiled. But my smile waned as I saw how low the sun was getting. It was the solstice, and I knew we had a very limited timeframe to get to the Fire Temple.

'Hey Aang, do you reckon we are nearly there?'

'Um, I don't know, maybe-'

Suddenly Sokka cursed, pointing beneath us. 'Guess who?!'

I groaned. I knew exactly who it was before I even spied the dark warship cutting through the waves beneath us. My eyes narrowed.

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