Chapter 19 - A Test - Part 1

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My eyes blinked slowly, light seeping between my lashes as I felt my bed move gently beneath me, the softness of the blanket cocooning me in warmth. For a moment, in that blissful space of awareness and sleep, I felt completely peaceful. And then, with a single thought, that peace shattered like a shard of glass.

I was in a bed. On a boat.

Zuko's boat.

I groaned and covered my head with the blanket, refusing to think about it. My eyes were squeezed painfully as my ears became aware of the sounds outside the door and on the deck below. The repetitive thud of boots on metal, the low, indistinct voices of the crew, the gentle rumble of the engines. All of it seemed so harmless, and yet they thundered in my ears and echoed in my head. 

I was a prisoner again.

I lay there in my bed for well over an hour, somewhat in shock as I tried desperately to think about what to do. It wasn't until I heard the all too familiar voice of the prince that I gritted my teeth and swung my legs out from under the covers. I was still in my Water Tribe clothing, except someone had taken off my outer layers and taken them. Hopefully to be washed and not chucked overboard. 

Glancing at the sun high in the sky, I suddenly was unsure about what day it was. Was it the same day, or had I somehow slept for 24 hours? The last thing I remembered was Aang and the siblings flying away as I screamed for them to go, and then the darkness had began to suffocate me, filling my senses and slowing my mind...Had I been too tired? Low blood sugar? I certainly hadn't been knocked out, otherwise I'm pretty sure I would have had a massive headache around about now. 

I frowned, standing up and walked to the rectangular window, feeling the soft dipping of the boat as it surfed the waves. Below, on the deck, various crew members hurried about, carrying crates of supplies with them as they disappeared below the hull and reappeared on deck again. I squinted, sighting the prince as he strode across the deck, his uncle following behind.

Sighing, I let my head fall to my hands.

What a mess this was.


It wasn't long before I heard the handle on my door rattle, making my eyes snap up as I saw Iroh enter the room. I immediately relaxed, and offered a tired smile as he walked gently over to the chair beside my bed.

He sat there for a moment, as neither of us spoke. He was regarding me with his warm eyes, no doubt taking in my dishevelled hair and worn face, and I'm sure I was giving off a smell. No deodorant here, apparently.

'I would say it's nice to see you,' I started quietly with a bashful grin, 'but considering the circumstances...'

I let my sentence trail off. Iroh knew what I meant. I was a prisoner again, trapped on a boat I had no business being on, captured by a boy who had serious obsession issues. I glanced at Iroh as I fiddled with my sleeve.

'I am sorry, Amelia,' he said softly. He looked tired.

'It's not your fault,' I said, instantly feeling sorry for him. He was in a rather difficult position of loyalty to his nephew and his apparent protectiveness of me. As we sat in silence for a few more moments, I let my eyes wander to the port window. 

'Is it still the same day?' I asked, my eyes squinting against the glare of the sharp sun.

Iroh chuckled. 'Yes my dear, it is. You were only unconscious for a few hours.' I turned to him, not sure if I was relieved or not. Iroh shifted in his chair to get a bit more comfortable. 

'After you fainted-' He stopped for a second, quizzical. 'That is what happened?'

I shrugged. 'Low blood sugar probably.' He nodded in understanding. 

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