Chapter 8- Should he really be riding that?

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'Ow ow ow ow ooooooow!'

'Come on, keep breathing. In, out, in, out.'

'In, out, in, out– stuff this, it hurts too much.'

'No you're almost there! You can't give up now.'

'But I-'


I whimpered. I was currently in the middle splits, my legs burning from the stretching of my muscles. Aang stood over me, pressing his hands down on my thighs to press them flat against the ground. My eyes were squeezed shut and I my face was screwed up, teeth gritted against the pain. Because this hurt. It was a bit like squeezing lemon juice on a fresh cut.

'Aaaaaaaaaand you're done.'

Aang released my legs and my torso flopped to the ground while I whimpered again. Why did I have to do this? I know flexibility is kind of important in bending, but still. Five years of dance hadn't prepared me for this.

'You are evil,' I groaned, gingerly shifting my legs together and pushing myself off the dirt.

'No, I'm not,' Aang grinned. 'Be glad you can already do the right and left leg splits.'

'But I'm also a horse rider, I'm not supposed to do the middle splits,' I whined, rubbing my twanging thighs. Aang looked confused.

'I thought you were a dancer. What's a horse rider?'

I glanced up at him. 'I did both back home, but I've done horse riding for much longer. Never mind. You wouldn't get it. You probably don't have horses here do you?'

'Horses...' he mused, frowning. 'I think I have heard of them before. They're mythical creatures from before the time of the Avatar cycle,' he said, sitting down beside me, grey eyes full of curiosity. 'Do they exist in your world?'

'Yeah,' I smiled softly. 'They do.' I felt a wave of nostalgia as I remembered the horses from my riding school, then it hit me. I'm never going to ride again. I felt tears start to sting at the corner of my eyes, and I quickly jumped up. A little too quickly if the ache in my legs was anything to go by.

'I'll tell you about them later, but I think I'm going to go and have a wash. You pushed me hard this lesson,' I quickly grinned at Aang, who looked a little startled.

'Er, sure. Go ahead, I think lunch is ready soon anyway.'

I walked off, furiously wiping away the salty tears that had started to roll down my face. Stupid, stupid! Stop crying Amelia, they're just animals!

That made it worse. I sobbed and leant against one of the trees, the salty drops of water running down my face, almost freezing in the frigid air. I loved horses. My mother was a rider when she was younger, and I had been riding my entire life. And now, I never will.

I sat on the shore of the island we had landed on for a good hour, crying every now and then as I realised just how many things I would never be able to do again, or ever for that matter. I would never see my little cousin grow up, or see my mum and dad become grandparents. I would never graduate from school, go to university and get a job. I would never be able to work as a diplomat, helping my country and the world move forward and settle disputes.

What's the use? Why am I even here? I clutched my head in my hands and squeezed my eyes. It's just so...unfair.

I heard soft footsteps coming from behind me, but I didn't bother to see who it was. The person sat down beside me, and soon I could hear the soft sounds of water moving. It was surprisingly calming, and I could feel the pain in my chest start to sooth. I slowly raised my head and rested it on my arms, looking out at the calm bay. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that it was Katara sitting next to me, quietly bending a small portion of water, not saying a word. I watched her hands move in soft, subtle motions, her wrists doing most of the movement. The water responded, gliding where her hand told it to go. The calmness and serenity in her face was enough to break my melancholy.

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