Chapter 13- What?

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I stood stock still, hands outstretched and trembling as the world around me stopped. My eyes could see what I had just done, but my brain refused to believe it. Surely that was impossible.



Perhaps I should backtrack a bit. After the roller coaster ride of a lifetime, the guards took us to the palace, leading us straight to a large hall. At the end of this strangely lit hall was a throne, and on that throne sat an old man with different sized eyes.

Different sized eyes.

'We're doomed,' I whispered to myself. When we were a few metres from the throne and the odd looking king, the guards made us stop. We stood there awkwardly, not knowing where to look.

'Sire, these delinquents were found abusing the delivery system and causing damage to private property,' a guard said, bowing to the king. 'What is your judgment, your Majesty?'

'Hmm,' the old man said, scratching his chin and narrowing his eyes. I held my breath, and glanced at Katara, who was giving the king the biggest puppy eyes I had ever seen. Sokka was scratching his nose.

'Throw them..!'

Everyone's eyes grew wide in expectation.

'A feast.'

So, there we were, sitting at a huge dining table in a dimly lit room with us at one end and the king on the other, a mountain of food and silence between us.


'So,' the king's gravelly voice said across the space, 'where do you come from?'

'Uh...' Aang's eyes went wide for a second and he shot a glance at me. 'Kangaroo Island.'

'Kangaroo Island eh? I hear that place is really hopping!'

Sokka laughed. No one else did.

'Anyway,' I said, wiping my hands on the napkin, even though I hadn't eaten anything, 'thank you for your hospitality, your Majesty, but I think it best that we leave now-'

I was cut off suddenly as the king threw a chicken drumstick at Aang, who, out of instinct, caught it with an air ball.

'Aha! We have an airbender in our midst,' crowed the king victoriously. Aang immediately dropped the piece of chicken. Katara face-palmed.

'And not just any airbender, but the Avatar.'


We were taken through dark tunnels that meandered through the palace until we came to a blank wall. One of the guards planted his feet on the ground and widened his stance, bring his arms down. A section of the rock wall followed, revealing a large room lit with green crystals. There were four canopy beds with tables either side, and a rug on the floor. The guards pushed us through, the wall sliding up behind us.

'As far as prison cells go, this isn't too bad,' Sokka commented, walking over to the beds.

'It's still a prison,' I muttered, eying the doorless, windowless chamber. All it had were air vents, but they were much too small for us to get through. Katara had noticed them as well, and glanced at Momo lying on a bed, lazily licking his full belly.

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