Chapter 7

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 HAZEL POV  "urrm what?"  Yeah, where can we go?"  we? was he serious?   "Won't they be mad if you dont show up? I mean you guys have been gone all night..."

 "Exactly so whats the point in going back now? Theyll be pissed at us either way."  he winked at me and I tried hard not to blush. 

Hmm where could I possibly take them? And what if the fans crowd us? I was terrified of being in front of one person let alone a bunch of the fans. "Well we can go watch a movie, stay home, or the zoo..?"  His eyes lit up 

"The zoo! We could go there?"  I was still hoping he would choose somewhere more.... secluded. He was so excited that I didn't want to crush his spirits so I smiled at him and nodded.  My hair must be a mess! I should get up and change.  

"Im gonna get ready, so I guess ill change while you dress up and then we can go see whats for breakfast?"  "Yeah that sounds good to me"  I got up and went to my closet.   I decided on some mint jeans and a black blouse with gold studs on the shoulders and collar.  Once I got out, Harry had on his jeans but hadn't put on his shirt yet. I tried hard not to look at him since I had gotten caught the last time.

He looked at me and smiled.  " I like those jeans "   I rolled my eyes at him "Thanks" 

"I mean it. Especially on you." There was no humor in his voice.   I blushed and I think I mumbled "mhhm."  I went into my bathroom to examine my hair and face.  My hair wasn't too bad, It only needed some touching up on the waves.  My eyes had the same dark circles and my lips a little swollen .  I decided on some concealer, a little eyeliner, mascara and a little blush.  When I got out Harry was thankfully dressed, laying on my bed and on his phone.

He looked up "You look beautiful. Even though you don't need that." He pointed at my face rolling his eyes at my make-up choice.   I laughed at his expression "Lets go wake up the boys."   I extended my hand so I could help him off my bed.  

He took it and got up. He didn't let go quick, he interlocked our hands and squeezed mine reassuringly, observing me.   I smiled at him and let go. What was that for?  I walked to the couch and my mom wasnt there. thats strange she usually gets here early in the morning. Then i saw that she had left a note.

'Hazel I went out with your aunt shopping ill be home later, if you go out, dont come home too late. I love you' I smiled at her letter. 

"What's that?" Asked Harry.  "Nothing my moms just out c'mon lets go wake them up." We went into Niall and Louis room.The little suckers were already awake.  Oh my god they had been going through my drawers and found an old photo album. 

"Hey why are you looking at those!" I was completely mortified. I ran across the room and snatched it away.   They both had guilty faces.   "Hey sorry we were just bored and we found it." Said Niall.  "Yeah no need to be mad, we found the picture of your first bath quite funny." said Louis  I shook my head and face palmed my self. "Besides, where are YOU two going dressed up?"   Harry answers before I could.   "Hazel and I are going to the zoo."  I looked at Harry confused.  What? I thought we were all going? I was going to be alone with Harry for a long time today. I didn't know whether to be excited or nervous.  

"Ahh I see, well we don't want to keep you from your date, better run along now." Said Louis   He could be so embarrassing. " it's not a date!" I blurted out.   "Anyways come on, I'm making you guys breakfast." I looked at the floor while I walked out trying to avoid eye contact with Harry.   This wasn't a date right? I mean he hadn't even asked me out like that. Maybe I just had to stop over analyzing things. I'm sure he didn't mean to go out on a date

. I opened the room where Liam and Zayn were sleeping. They were both snoring, still asleep.   "Look at these sleepy heads" said Niall  "I guess we'll just HAVE to wake them up" Louis had on a mischievous smile.  He jumped on top of them in the bed "Wake up! It's time to get up you lazy bums!"   I started giggling Louis was so crazy it was funny. Zayn started smacking Louis away.   "Come on guys Hazel's making food!"  Liam started mumbling gibberish.   Then Niall jumped on top of them screaming "Get up! Get up" 

"Agh fine!" Said Liam annoyed.  I laughed and Harry looked at me smiling.  "Hurry up guys." Then we all finally made our way to the kitchen


"It's not a date!" Said Hazel. I guess it wasn't a date but it still bothered me when she said it.   I frowned and shook my head. I hadn't even asked her.   I guess I would try extra hard at the zoo to show her that I liked her a lot.   We made out way to the kitchen. "Okay you guys sit while I cook." Said hazel. She gave us a smile. Her smile warmed me up .  "Do you guys like pancakes and bacon?"   "Yes!" Said everyone.   She laughed at our answer and started at the fridge. "Okay then, pancakes and bacon it is."


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