Chapter 2

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My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe what I was looking at. My mind was blank and I couldnt come up with any words.

"Is she okay?" asked Zayn.

I pulled out of my trance like state and really looked at them.

Louis had a goofy grin on, Niall had a hint of blush on his cheeks, Zayn looked worried, Liam had a small smile, and Harry just stared at me.

My hand automatically went to my face. Did I have something on my face or something in my teeth?!

I felt my face turning red and tried manage to say something.

"Ummm c-can I help you guys?"

"We're completly lost!' said Zayn

"It was all Louis fault!" exclaimed Niall

"What?! No it wasn't! You lads said you wanted a bit of fun so we got it' " Louis said with a smug smile.

"Wait hold on, why are you guys in this part of town to begin with? And why dont you have security with you? It could be dangerous." I splurted out.

"Sorry but judging by the your face you dont seem very dangerous to me." said Louis smiling his ass off making me blush harder.

"We wanted to get away for a while. Management and security were driving us crazy so Louis had the brilliant idea to make an escape." Harry finally spoke.

His eyes were mesmerizing and I forced myself to look away from him.

"Once we didnt know where we were we decided to get off the highway and well your house is pretty much next to it. " said Liam

"That makes sense." I muttered.

"So where were you guys trying to get to anyways?" I looked at the alarm clock that read 1:35 a.m.

"Well we wanted to go to this restaurant a friend had reccomended but its so late we need to find somewhere to stay the night." said Zayn

"I've got an idea!" yelled Louis "Why dont YOU let us spend the night in your lovely home? Now that sounds like a great idea!"

My lovely home? I wanted to laugh out loud. My house wasn't a big deal. it had 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Sure it was small but I guess me and mom maintained it nice and pretty.

"Sounds good to me!" said Niall.

"Im not to sure about this guys, security is gonna be really pissed" said Liam

"It's late anyways im sure they're throwing a shit fit already anyways, and we have not been answering anyones calls" said Zayn.

I stared at all of them trying to make their decision. One Direction, the biggest boy band in my

house, spending the night in my house? This couldnt be really happening.

They all looked at Harry waiting for him to put his input.

"Lets do it." said Harry while I felt his eyes burn holes into my own, and a smile played on his lips.

His lips.... I loved all the boys from One Direction but I always had a special place for Harry.

I didn't let my face give anything away and smiled at all of them.

"Well if you all are sure about this, welcome to my home" I said and stepped away from the door letting each of them in and turned to close the door as I let out a nervous sigh, unsure of what was coming.

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