Chapter 2 "White looks better on you"

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The strange thunderstorm that happened the night before prom was eerie. Summer has already landed, and no civilian was expecting rain, at least not until six months from now. It left behind it a beautiful petrichor Jasmine adored. The night has already come. The sound of the crickets was hushed and the birds had stopped chirping. Hopping above the small round puddles, Jasmine went into to the store two blocks away from her house to pick up her perfect prom dress from dry cleaning. Mme Irene beamed exposing her fake and only golden tooth as she saw her constant client coming in.

Hey Irene.” She smiled back at the good old lady.

How are you doing today love?” The woman inquired throwing into the empty bowl every type of candy she owned. It was as if Jasmine was still this five-year-old girl bouncing around the room and hiding between clean clothes looking for candy.

That was some rain yesterday.” Her finger scrolled through her messages again making sure she didn’t miss any news about her missing boyfriend.

I think it would be the last one.” She approached the candy bowl into her client’s direction insisting on giving at least one away.

No, thank you. I’ve gotta keep a flat stomach for prom tonight.” She chuckled and slipped her phone back into her pocket. “I’m here to pick up my dress by the way.”

For a second, she could have sworn the woman was laughing. However, when her features didn’t change and she just stared at her missing the joke, Mme. Irene’s smile disappeared.

Honey, your dress is fresh clean in your house. You sent your friend an hour ago to pick it up for you.”

Wait. What?” Jasmine’smind was racing for a second before asking the big question. Who exactly picked it up?

Your friend, Mr. Harry Styles.” The elderly woman stepped back a bit fearing she had gone wrong through her work again and handed the right clothes to the wrong people.

WHAT?! I specifically told you to give my stuff to me. I never let anyone take my clothes.” Her heart was racing again feeling that little twinge inside her stomach every time she heard that name.

He said you asked him to…” Before the lady could finish, Jasmine was already out of the store walking or rather jogging back home. Instantaneously, on her way there she grabbed her phone and dialed Ashley.

-Hey babe. Getting ready?

-I’m fucking pissed.

-What’s wrong?!

-You remember Harry styles right?

-*Chuckle* Well, how can I forget?

-He picked my dress from dry cleaning and now I have nothing to wear to prom. Ashley I’m freaking out.

-WHAT?! Why would he do that?!

-I’m asking that question here! What the hell does he want? I don’t even have his phone number.

-No one does actually. He rarely gives it to anyone.

-That’s not the point Ash… ugh just forget it, I’ll rummage through my old clothes.

Jasmine hung up and dashed towards the house. For some reason it was hard enough to fit the key inside the knothole. She wasn’t understanding anything. If that was one of his tricks on girls to search for him, she doesn’t have the time for that. She had a prom to attend and a date to wait for.

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