Chapter 15 "I'm not perfect"

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I remember when I first started writing I was like thirteen, and I wanted to let the main characters spend time in the woods alone. But I was really worried the idea would look dirty, so they just took a walk and didn't even touch each other.

I evolved a lot since then lol.

So anyways, this chapter has sexual content. If you're uncomfortable reading it, skip :)

Don't forget to comment and vote! Ily xx


The moment his lips forbad her from feeling anything else, she recoiled at his forceful touches. Usually, she would relax immediately and wrap her arms around his neck. But this time, it was as if he was proving a point. It was weird and sudden because a moment he was about to punch the wall, the second he was pushing her against the lockers.

Pushing him slowly back, afraid to hurt his feelings, she frowned.

What was that for?

I don’t know. I just want you.

His hands held a strong grip at her hips pushing her back again until his body was the barrier. She felt his lips sucking on the skin of her neck regardless of the students in the hallways. That was Harry. He didn’t care what people thought, he didn’t care as long as he would do whatever he had in mind.

That was until the sight of the brown haired boy brought her back to her senses. His brown eyes watched them without a word. Liam sniffed and shook his head.

Jasmine suddenly pushed Harry back about to burst at him.

I can’t believe you.” She sighed and immediately walked past him.

What he did was a cheap move. And even though Liam has hurt her, that wasn’t her way in getting back at him. She didn’t even consider getting back at him.

Harry’s eyes darted towards Liam’s then hers.

Why? Because I’m trying to kiss my girlfriend?

Jasmine didn’t answer him but carried her way towards the exit door. She didn’t want to face any of this right now. And the moment she thought of it, she never wants to be in a situation where she would face Harry and Liam at the same time.

Arriving to her car, she took out her keys shaking from anger. She was opening the door when she felt Harry grip on her hand tightly.

Where do you think you’re going?

You’re hurting my hand.” She grimaced and tried to free it.

Harry loosened his fingers a bit staring at the red marks he left on her wrist. His eyes fixed hers again and he waited until she finally gave in for eye contact.

His body was brushing up against hers when her butt lied on the door of the car.

Why are you being like this?

Jasmine sighed moving her gaze around her until he cupped her chin to force her into looking at him again. She hated when he does that because it makes her look vulnerable, more than she already is.

What you did back there was wrong.

I know.” He heaved a sigh.

Moments of silence passed by where they only enjoyed staring at each other, contemplating every detail of their beauty. Jasmine admired the dimple she had always gained when she lost a fight. The green in his eyes made her melt, especially when they twinkle with hope.

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