Chapter 12 "Entourage"

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Zayn.” Harry groaned.

He scanned his old enemy as that one ambled inside the dreary hospital room. Jasmine’s eyes widened. By the look on her face, he could tell she had seen him before.

Long time no see.” Zayn said never losing the arrogant smile. “Hello beautiful.” He lazily drifted his gaze towards Jasmine. Harry clenched his fist.

Wait for us outside. Please.” He whispered in almost a growl.

No. I don’t w-

Just do it.” Harry snapped. He didn’t want her in that mess more than the one she was already drowning in.

She regretfully sighed and nodded, her frown unpleasantly remained as she walked outside before Zayn could speak anything else.

What are you doing here?” Harry sat up straight. His lying position made him look vulnerable and he didn’t need that right now. One rule must always apply in any situation; he must take over.

Checking up on you obviously.” Zayn sauntered towards the side of the bed tracing the hospital serum, down to the syringe inserted inside Harry’s vein making him wince.

You didn’t find them did you?” He snickered.

She looked lovely picking you up.” Zayn said knowing it was delicate subject to bring up, especially with him lying in bed. “I would hate it to be the other way around next time.

Oh please, don’t play a teasing bitch with me. If you wanted to hurt us you would have.

Don’t test me Harry. You know me too well.

Same thing for you. Now leave, I’m not giving you shit.

John will be thrilled with the news. Because just so you know Harry” Zayn bent down his arms locking him onto the bed ominously. “Your little girlfriend there is going to need way more than your protective little army of three to what he has planned for both of you.

And I’d like to hear all about it when he knows the weapons are already delivered.” Harry smugly smiled unaffected by Zayn’s empty threat.

The dark haired man simply smiled and made his way to the exit door of the room. When he saw Jasmine entering the place again a scowl plastered across her features, he smirked meeting her eyes.

See you back on campus beautiful.” He said and left both their sights.

Fuck, Jasmine give me my phone.” Harry sat straight, irritation boiling through his blood.

He was the one I saw entering the lake house.” She informed though he already knew that. Handing him the phone she kept standing and staring at him. If only she knew.

I know.” He replied and dialed Paul instantly. “Zayn was here. He’s back.

Who the hell is he?” She asked him as soon as he hung up.

He’s dangerous. That’s all I can tell you.

Will he-” The question he was dreadful she’d ask was struggling to escape her mouth when he shook his head painfully. He couldn’t bear the thought of her getting hurt.

“Not on my watch.

I heard everything Harry. You don’t have to treat me like a child.” Suddenly she burst out anger flashing through her eyes.

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