Chapter 6 "Molest"

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The shadows of the students lingered around and walked by her like the gusting wind that rustled the dead autumn leafs. The chattering and loud noisy voices aggravated her for the first time as she was shoving the books into her locker. The shudders Harry had absconded from her last night awakened her through the entire dawn.

Spotting his dark shape between the thousands of colleagues, Jasmine’s vision mechanically glided down afraid to meet his eyes. It was as if an electrifier has just shaken her system, Harry’s touch budged from her arm to her chin tilting it upwards. She still wouldn’t lift her gape.

Why aren’t you looking at me?” He said lowly, burning her aside from the eyes all around them peering. The words were hard to say, hard to think of. However, her mind was combating her heart to clarify her actions when the two of them melted in a warm kiss the previous night.

Forget what happened yesterday.” She muttered and tried to loosen her head from his grip just in case he settled on using his charm to seduce her back.

Don’t deny you liked it.” His raspy voice traveled her ear as his lips were gently touching her earlobe nipping on it.

Jasmine withdrew from his overwhelming touches, this time her hazy vision lifting to lock his.

I was angry with Liam.” She let out at last, draining herself from emotions.“That’s why I kissed you.

Harry took a few long ragged breaths apparently striving to calm himself down, when the resentment he had always mustered to keep inside was driven out. His hand flew past her face and with a force she had never witnessed, he thumped the locker behind her leaving the metal damaged. Jasmine struggled to catch her breaths, watching Harry zooming off behind the shocked student.


Weeks had passed and Harry’s seat remained empty. The entourage was calm again with his absence. Quinn was sort of getting closer to her telling her about her college flirts, and helping her forget about Liam as well, having no idea about the things her best friend went through because of Harry.

No matter how much Jasmine convinced herself it was for the best, that gulp in her throat every time she heard his name convinced her otherwise. The more days had passed without feeling his touches, or hearing his voice, or getting his daily night messages, the more her thirst for just a glimpse of his green spheres became essential.

When the dark nights, came in at every specific time, Jasmine would sneak her eyes to the window again, or drop a look at her cell phone. She was holding on to that small possibility that Harry might show up and break in again.

Harry never made an appearance, leaving her eyes looking for his lost shadow on the window seal.


What seemed to be a deep black blue colored the darkened sky. Jasmine wrapped her arms around her legs trying to think of something to do with the thunderstorm raging at the civilians. There was absolutely no one to talk to. Everyone was busy searching for information for the new project and preparing for the midterms when all she had ever done was watch some TV; but when the cables were off, her mind went racing again.

Grieving to hear his shuddering voice, her fingers reached for her cell phone and quickly went over the small letters making one clear sentence she was fighting not to send.

We need to talk- J

Pressing on the send button, Jasmine tried to stop the message from propelling to his number, but it was too late.

The minutes elapsed slower than they had ever done in all the waiting moments she has experienced. Dropping an eye on the screen every ten seconds there was no buzzing, no reply.

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